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Custom Schemes!


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Just wanted to know if anyone else had their own schemes that they made up.

example. i play Hoffman with a Peacekeeper. One of the peacekeeper triggers is toss (you push an enemy model after damaging it with your melee) so i pick a piece of terrain and if i can toss an enemy model onto said terrain i get 1 VP (one time per game). also because its a custom scheme it must be announced due to the fact that both players must agree on it.

So did anyone have any schemes that they made up?

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Never tried custom schemes, just custom strategies.

I have seen threads on new schemes for some masters whose schemes seemed pretty bad, such as Seamus. They are buried in the rezzer forum.

I think that your scheme sounds pretty fun, but if its a Hoffman scheme, is it that the toss has to happen from Machine Puppet only maybe?

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That sounds fun! I am trying to figure out a good meta-mechanic for them.

My first thought is: Each person can propose a Scheme for their opponent, who has a choice of whether to accept it or just pick a regular Scheme instead.

Like, pick factions, determine strategies, pick crews. Then propose a custom scheme for your opponent. Then pick schemes, and continue from there.

("I challenge you to Toss my model onto a piece of terrain." or "I challenge you to kill one of my guys with a Bash" or "I challenge you to turn Taelor into a Mannequin" or whatever.)

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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I came up with some a while ago just for fun. I think the problem is finding ones that work for all masters without being broken for any of them. The wording is probably a little vague on some of them, but here goes:

Master’s Pet

Your leader has a favourite minion that they’re keen to protect

Secretly note down one minion. If this minion is still on the table at the end of the game, score 2 VP (1 VP if unannounced)

Cold Blooded Killer

Your leader is trying to groom one formally well adjusted minion into becoming a dead eyed killing machine

Secretly note down one minion. If this minion kills three or more enemy figures, score 2 VP (1 VP if unannounced)

Recruitment Drive

Your leader is trying to increase the size of their crew

Record the number of minions (including insignificant minions) hired as part of your crew at the start of the game. If you have more minions (including insignificant and summoned minions) on the table at the end of the game, score 2 VP (1 VP if unannounced).

Secret Agent

Your leader has selected a minion to act as a spy, but their identity must be protected

Secretly note down one minion at the start of the game. If they have not been targeted by a spell or strike from your opponent by the end of the game, score 2 VP (1 VP if unannounced).

Fighting Fair

Your leader is determined to improve their reputation amongst the other masters

If your leader does not cheat in an opposed duel for the duration of the game, score 2 VP (1 VP if unannounced).


Your leader is trying to build up their hoard of soulstones

If you start the game with at least 2 soulstones and do not use any for the duration of the game, score 2 VP (1 VP if unannounced).

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That sounds fun! I am trying to figure out a good meta-mechanic for them.

My first thought is: Each person can propose a Scheme for their opponent, who has a choice of whether to accept it or just pick a regular Scheme instead.

Like, pick factions, determine strategies, pick crews. Then propose a custom scheme for your opponent. Then pick schemes, and continue from there.

("I challenge you to Toss my model onto a piece of terrain." or "I challenge you to kill one of my guys with a Bash" or "I challenge you to turn Taelor into a Mannequin" or whatever.)

like a challenge accepted moment. yes. just yes. you could almost do this with all the schemes. you let the opponent chose a scheme for you maybe you get +1 VP and you would obviously get the announce bonus so you could have 3 VP schemes.

also bedknobs' "Fighting Fair" scheme stands out in my mind as one as something i might have to try just for the difficulty.

Edited by Lancer
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