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New Paltz Convention (The NPC) - Open Gaming, 30ss tournament, and more! (11/3-4)


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Live in New York, and want some casual gaming, be it Malifaux or anything else? The NPC is a student-run small convention at SUNY New Paltz which runs a gym full of gaming projectors, a room of board games, and mixed with events like LARP Boffer Tournaments and cuddle Human Vs. Zombie games. This year, we are hosting six gaming tables for Malifaux that will stay up for the full weeking. On Saturday, 11/3, there will be open gaming and demonstrations from 3-7. Both myself and fellow Henchmen will be giving On Sunday, we will be hosting a 2-round tournament from 2-6. Just arrive before 2 to register and pay to enter!

The Convention is a great deal, as its only $6 to enter for all of the events. The information for the NPC is given below on their facebook page:


Here is their schedule of events:


Here are the specifics for the tournament:

-$10 entry. Please come register before 2 PM to help speed up the process.

-Prizes are $30/$20/$10 in store credit for Dragon's Den, the Poughkeepsie Gaming Store. They will be on sight selling wares at the convention! If we get 10+ people for the tourney, we will be giving a Miss Terious as first place!

-There is an included painting contest with the entry fee. Take any 30mm miniature and enter it for a possible $10 prize.

-It will be a 2 round tournament, not a three round, due to restricted time.

-It is based on Gaining Ground rules, and the Differentiation format - the more VP you score, and the less you allow your opponent, the better.

-It will be a 30 soulstone tournament. Come with a set Soulstone list of 30, with a 'sideboard' of 15 points you can substitute in when you see the terrain you will be playing on or learn what the strategy is or what faction your opponent is playing.

-Please come with paint on your models and completed as best as you can. Scratch-built proxies and conversions will be allowed, but only if they are an exception to your team, not the rule.

We look forward to seeing you there at SUNY New Paltz!

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