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brand new lilith player


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what you have is a great beginning for Lilith's crew :)

All of it hits hard and moves fast - and that criteria covers a lot of strategies. However, like most neverborn, they lack resilience in protracted fights.

My next suggesstion would be the Primordial Magic. This totem has the arcane reservoir ability which is nuts with lilith (since in combines with her rush of magic ability) - and being a totem it allows another cast of transpostion or earthquake every turn. I'd suggest you buy this ASAP and start using it.

For tougher minions, Tuco, Lelu and Lilitu and Mr. Graves (sir!) are all nephilim (so synergise with Lilith) and can add to your crew's tricks and resilience. They are more complicated models though, so i'd get used to your current models first.

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Great stuff thank you for replying so quick

I had no idea so much synergised with her....wow

Ok ill try making a list and ill post it here

---------- Post added at 05:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

Here we go


Primordial Magic 2ss

Lelu 7ss

Lilitu 7ss

3x terror tot nephilim


Leaves me with 7 ss

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Primordial Magic 2ss

Lelu 7ss

Lilitu 7ss

3x terror tot nephilim


Leaves me with 7 ss

That's a pretty solid list :) Of course, like all malifaux you need to tailor it to your mission, but combined with neverborns movement and the twins control, it should go a long way.

The twins are definitely great and I'd definitely suggest picking up a pair. Tuco I find to be a bit different, requiring finesse, like the twins, but of a different kind, to perform effectively. I'd have a read up on his rules and see if you want to add him just yet, because adding him, and the already rules intensive twins at once may be a step in the wrong direction :P You may of course, read his rules and decide he's the best thing since sliced bread, which is what a few people think :P

Nephilim grow lists are a bit of a pain to use and play against so I'd possibly shy away from that... You may find picking up a desperate merc to kill with your tots to turn into a young quickly is very helpful though... It's all stuff to try out at some point.

Finally, for schemes, kidnap is brilliant for neverborn, so use that as a "crutch" if you need to while you're still learning, to keep the games competitive :P Lilith is great in combat, so maybe have a look at kill protege or assassinate? She has a great defence so body guard is decent, and with the movement of the nephilim, you can often afford to leave one or divert one late game, so check stake a claim and hold out out too :)

Hope that helps

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Things other then Nephilim can also work. Coppelius is a great model as are stitched. Teddy is kinda slow moving but if you transposition him into place then he can tear something apart. Take some time and check out the PullMyFinger wiki on lilith and the neverborn minions.

Transposition has a Wp resist, so teddy can't be moved with it as he is immune to influence. This can be got around by including baby kade in the crew. Kade can be bumped about and has his own ability to shift teddy.

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You my also want to consider the Arcane Effigy, an extra casting AP for Lilith is nice and it also has Arcane Reservoir. If you do the effigy rout being neverborn, you can still attach a totem and I would look at the cherub in this case.

The Black Blood Shaman is another model to look into. Its an augment piece, especially for growing and augmenting tots, youngs, and matures.

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i find the black blood shaman to be great. him with a desprate merc and a tot and you more or less always pull out a mature from one off your tots on the first turn. and the best part is for the rest of the game i find my enemy tends to leave him alone thinking because his mid and high damage is only 1 and 1 with a blast he is weak, but with 3 poison it rocks... i don't think i have ever had him die. and believe it or not candy can work with him to. healing flips after he stabs himself to make blood counters... i would def say black blood shaman is a must.

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i find the black blood shaman to be great. him with a desprate merc and a tot and you more or less always pull out a mature from one off your tots on the first turn. and the best part is for the rest of the game i find my enemy tends to leave him alone thinking because his mid and high damage is only 1 and 1 with a blast he is weak, but with 3 poison it rocks... i don't think i have ever had him die. and believe it or not candy can work with him to. healing flips after he stabs himself to make blood counters... i would def say black blood shaman is a must.

The black blood shaman is loads of fun! I prefer to play Lilith with a grow list using 1 BBS, 2 Desperate Mercs, and 2-3 Tots. Especially with Nekima, you can easily get two Mature Neph's out turn 1 (Which is so insane!). This list can be pretty slow going the first two turns though, normally you won't be doing much moving until you get the group ready for a slaughter fest. Here's the point list for another interesting 35SS crew.


Nekima - 13ss

Black Blood Shaman - 6ss

Terror Totx3 - 9ss

Desperate Mercx2 - 4ss = 32ss

You're left with a good cache of 7ss for Lilith, which she can use for Transposition on opponents masters or for a really good chance of beating down those high wounded models like Killjoy.

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