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Malifools Episode 17 - Culture abounds


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Fresh from his sojourn in a glass coffin, Jon returns and with him some sanity after last weeks silliness. That lasts for at least 30 seconds before the show gets back to normal and a Hollywood superstar joins us as a guest host.

As nobody has played any 'faux (its what all the cool kids call it) we still mange to fill up an hour or so with chat about Story Scenarios, Rankings, Best ways to do demos and a flight of fantasy out into a progression system for your Malifaux characters - almost RPG like

Oh and we also announce the winner of our Cheated Fates Tshirt contest

It was national poetry day when we recorded this episode so you should probably prepare yourself for some poems

Actually made notes this week so I know what to put in the show notes. The story encounter that we talk about can be found at http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?35660-WIP-Halloween-2012-fan-made-scenario and Dr Loxelys blog is at http://newfairbank.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/lessons-learned.html

See you after Malifolk, and if you are at said event come and say hello and claim a Malifools wristband!

You can get it on either iTunes or at http://malifools.podbean.com/

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