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WIP - Misaki and the Ten Thunders


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We saw that they didn't have the numbering on these as they should have and we have since rectified the situation, though we've got a fair few to sell before the sprues with numbering show up.

In the mean time, here is a color code chart to help out.


oh god please tell me there is one of these for the archers? I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out which hats go with which heads with which cloth parts! Kinda sad I found this thread after I couldn't figure out where C6 went and put it on Ototo where E11 was suppose to go.. can't really get the plastic off now

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Im a huge Misaki TTB fan so was elated at Misaki being made Master,

the minis look great and as I missed out on Gencon orders Im having to wait for stockist in the UK to get their shelves filled so I can order my TTB faction.

until then I have had some good luck with advice from members of my game club who got Gencon orders so all the fiddley bits have been explained so i now have a cunning plan!

TTB archers I am going to paint the heads on the sprue before assembling the models the veils go on before the hats.

Misaki will be getting pinned

and the totem will be pre assembled before glueing as the tails looks awkward if glued without checking first.

Bring on TTB faction!!!

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Ive done it many times before with lots of things! so im pretty confident with the task ahead!

if the archers didnt have the veils i would just assemble as normal so the heads will get painted the body assembled prepared and undercoated then on with his head!!

hatched this plan because i saw how small the gap is to paint the faces!!

Im confident and will post pics when I get them done once bought of course! :-)

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there is a whole thread regarding Shang there is good advice in that thread! in case ya cant find it! the tail comes over the back of Shang kind of like a scorpion tail and not underneath like some people have done!

the picture in the thread shows how it works :-)

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We saw that they didn't have the numbering on these as they should have and we have since rectified the situation, though we've got a fair few to sell before the sprues with numbering show up.

In the mean time, here is a color code chart to help out.


Great post but I still have a bit left on the sprue. Where does E11 go on Ototo?

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