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Need Help With Lucius


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Some of you may remember me from last year. Well I'm back. Me and my friends are looking at Malifaux as a game to play in our downtime, and I'm looking into a Lucius list. We're starting out at 25SS and they'll just be using the box set of their choice, but I'm going to build my own custom set for 25SS battles. Here's what I've got:


Guild Guard Captain

Guild Austringer x2

Guild Guard x2

Honestly I picked Lucius because I like the guild guard. They're not super-soldiers or monsters, they're just average Joes doing their jobs.

I've got some fluff for this list, but I'm a bit scatter-brained right now so I'll have to post it later.

So what do you think, is this list good, or does it need work?

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As someone who plays against Lucius alot I would say it is a pretty good starting point. The austringers are crazy good when uses issue command and his advanced training on them CB9 range 18?! Ouch.

Would say you probably want to pick up some guild hounds at some point as their speedy objective grabbing and use as throw away models to give Lucius reactivate get me very useful.

His crew works very well as a gunline but dont be afraid to mix it up in melee - the guard go up to cb8 with issue command and his advanced training and have critical strike on the sword. The captain is a real beatstick once he gets into combat.

Also drill sergeant works really well in a shooty list!

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Cool, Consider a Drill Sargent added. As far as the fluff: The crew is made up of Abner Mathiasan Jr. (name might change, I'm not good with names) and his bodyguards. He's the son of the prefect monarch of the Guild (I'm assuming he runs things earth-side, and is the official head of the Guild) and if something were to happen to him Mr. Governor General can expect a bit more oversight coming from the other side of the breach. There's just one problem: He seems to suffer from a chronic case of the Dulcinea Effect, trying to be the hero to anything with a skirt. This tends to get him into trouble.

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Add a drill sargent and youre golden!

Remember, Lucius adds his cache for hireing crew.

While this is true, and the totem is a good add for Lucius, I would leave your 25ss list as is - Lucius needs Soul stones and is sadly limited to 4, so do not reduce him below this if at all possible!

Primary reason is 'Slow to die' which allows him to spend a Soul stone to heal when he dies, keeping him alive whatever hits him (unless you flip the Black Joker!)... This gives him extremely potent survivability when you need it...

---------- Post added at 09:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:26 PM ----------

The austringers are crazy good when uses issue command and his advanced training on them CB9 range 18?! Ouch.

Range 12" - They only have 18" range when they use (2) Hunting Raptor in their own activation and Advanced Training only applies in Lucius's. Still awesome though!

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Range 12" - They only have 18" range when they use (2) Hunting Raptor in their own activation and Advanced Training only applies in Lucius's. Still awesome though!

Excellent point - the changes in how his crew operates when he commands them to their activation is an interesting mechanic and has caught m, as an opponent, out a few times!

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I really fail to see how the riflemen could unseat the austringers. The only similiarity they have is a base range 12" gun. The comparisons of each unit begins and ends their. They each bring a different toolkit from the woodshed to the plate and trying to use either unit as the other will only result in user anguish.

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Rifle men have base range 11"...

They fill a similar role to Austringers - i.e long range shooting, but they do it in a very different way. The big advantage the Austringers have is ignoring line of sight and cover which is a big deal in this game... Haven't tried Rifles yet, but they look like they'll be best in groups and relying on overwhelming fire power...

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They in no way shape or form our anything like austringers. Austringers are combat 7 (9) with lucious buff. You also said they ignore los and cover. Riflemen ignore nothing and are a paltry combat 5 (7)with buff, while they do have potential to reactivate they will struggle to shoot anything above def 5 and pose a bad quandry when shooting against def 5. Do you really want to empty your hand shooting at def 5 models with a 4 point model with just normal damage spread when a model that could activate that is worthwhile at what they are doing (ca, cmbt, whatever) 6 or more and a actual dmg spread can get so much more out of those resources you would be investing.

The main reason why austringers are great especially with lucious is that they are the definative models without any ap spent on them from outside sources (ie lucious). With a base cbt stat of 7 they can threaten any model with 1-3 wounds remaining without wasting a ap of a worthwile model delivering the coupe degras. They also have a combat stat high enough that in some cases (mainly spell bubba casters) you can actually threaten them over the course of 1-2 turns nickle and dimeing them to death our at worst making your opponents master spend their majority of soulstones on defensive measures/staying alive instead of using ss's to increase duel totals to unresistable means offensively.

They also have hunting raptor which makes their rng ridicoulous and threatens any meaningful totem with death given that they ignore los/cover their sometimes lynchpin models (mobile toolkit, grave spirit, zoraida totem, essence of power, stolen, levi's waifs to name a few) to basically not partake in the game at all sitting on the back end of their deployment zone for fear of their lives.

The riflemen add nothing to what isn't already present to our faction in great abundance ranged shooting at best you will probably be able to use them as board control against weaker models. However all but maybe guild guard (don't know, don't own them) in our 4 point sweetspot is definately better because they bring a component/dimension in addition to a gun that adds something to a list. But also the main problem with them at a glance is if you keep 2-3 of them locking down an area that says models 5 pts or less don't come around here. You aren't taking a cheap model anymore. You are taking a 8 or 12 model that a number of 4pt or 7 pt models in our faction due a much better job at and they add another dimension to your list as a whole.

Granted I understand in this post it is mainly about lucius. But it really should speak volumes that he really doesn't have a lot of stuff worth taking in a list using only guardsmen/special forces. I think he provides good potential to a existing master list by allowing the master to not have to protect assets but mainly I have only had good success with him with 1 of the guild masters. Unless you like to mind numbing just spam issue orders on austringers cause believe me after about 5 games of that it gets old.

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By the way I wasn't looking at the Riflemen to replace the austrigers (but I may replace the falcons with owls, because I like owls) I was looking at them to replace the guard. here's what I'm looking at for a 35SS list:

Lucius w/ Drill Sergent

2x austringers

guild guard captain

3x riflemen

guild guard

3ss left over

What do you guys think?

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It looks decent. I'm unsure of what point cost certain models coming out are our if they are considered guardsmen (not riflemen) but you might want to drop the lone guard if something comes out in the next couple of months. Also (keep in mind I don't own book 4 yet) I don't know if/what mccabe's hiring restrictions our but if he is allowed to take our special forces it might not be a bad idea to possible try to run him and lucius together (keeping fingers crossed he can) just to potentially shuffle up what you normally always have to take/limit yourself to with lucius.

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They in no way shape or form our anything like austringers.

I was agreeing - but they are like them, in that they are both long ranged shooters that ignore cover.

I also prefer Austringers, but I'm not willing to right off Riflemen without trying them out - they do several things that Austringers don't do as well - mainly put out more fire power. The riflemen can fire more shots at a range of 12" in groups, more shots at a range of 12" - 14", have better minimum damage and can inflict damage on a closeby model without giving that model a chance to defend itself...

Horses for courses...

In general though, it is hard to compete with the Austringer's ability to ignore line of sight... Shame you can only have 2 though...

---------- Post added at 11:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------

It looks decent. I'm unsure of what point cost certain models coming out are our if they are considered guardsmen (not riflemen) but you might want to drop the lone guard if something comes out in the next couple of months. Also (keep in mind I don't own book 4 yet) I don't know if/what mccabe's hiring restrictions our but if he is allowed to take our special forces it might not be a bad idea to possible try to run him and lucius together (keeping fingers crossed he can) just to potentially shuffle up what you normally always have to take/limit yourself to with lucius.

You can use Lucius with McCabe (but only if Guild is your declared faction). Aside from the Riflemen, the only additional book four model that will work for Lucius as a leader is the Pathfinder (although he brings Traps with him) - because he seems really good value, I think one of them is going to become pretty standard in most Lucius crews...

---------- Post added at 11:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

By the way I wasn't looking at the Riflemen to replace the austrigers (but I may replace the falcons with owls, because I like owls) I was looking at them to replace the guard. here's what I'm looking at for a 35SS list:

Lucius w/ Drill Sergent

2x austringers

guild guard captain

3x riflemen

guild guard

3ss left over

What do you guys think?

Looks pretty good - I might consider dropping the Guard and one Riflemen for 3 Hounds (same cache) to give the list some better melee to back up its formidable shooting... Also gives pretty decent mobility for objective grabbing, but your list looks good too...

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