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ttsgosadow's painting


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Again, thanks for the comments. They are inspiring - so I set myself to work on painting. All the models have their base colours and ink now. That allready looks nice on the table. Today I finished my Electrical Creation and Steamborg Executioner.

Going to try and finish all the models for the next clubday, 7 days from now.




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With the longer light in the evenings, I got to make some better pictures to share.

First off my Large Arachnids. I have two, for my Ramos bomb. I wanted to make them look more like real spiders. Having a pet tarantula, I had a good reference. One I hang upside down, the other holding it's prey. To differentiate them some more, I used slightly different painting schemes. One has orange eyes, the other blue, to tie them to the rest of the crew. I tried a bit of OSL on the lights of the base for the upside down spider.

I am glad how they turned out. They look really neat, and striking on the table.





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And then there's the totems/Electrical Creation. These are very nice models. I am especially fond of the Brass Arachnid.

For the Electrical Creation I skipped glueing the little sparks on top. They kept falling off, where too small to pin, and, more importantly, I like the 'bare head' look. I spent a lot of time layering the flesh, something that feels like wasted effort when you see the pictures. In real life it looks better, imo. Here again I am trying some OSL, which came out okay. The model is great, painting it as well :)


The Brass Arachnid is one of the key models that attracted me to a Ramos crew. Its such a cool little thing. I painted it as close to brass colour as I could manage, which is actually gold. But as I used a more shiny gold, it looks a bit like brass. It was quite easy to paint, and I really like the base with it.


The Other totem, Mobile Toolkit, has a less cool appearence imo. It looks fragile (it also is fragile in the game), and I keep messing up the front and back. Now I am posting this I see that I fotographed the back. I again tried some OSL on the eye, you have to believe me on that :) Do like how the base turned out, the brown looks good.




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Then some better pictures of my Steamborg. I love him. He kills stuff. He is mobile. He looks great. Had great fun assembling him, and his base. On the pictures the bronze rust/patina comes over stronger then it is in real life. Still not too subtle, but not as bright as it seems on the pic.

Spent a lot of time on the flesh, really trying to make it pop. I am quite satisfied with it, maybe the dark parts are a bit too dark. But still, it got a good contrast and pops out on the table.

The way I positioned him on the base makes him stand more upright. I greenstuffed the little hole that emerged while doing that. You can't spot it at all. I didnt highlight the cables sticking out of the base on purpose, as not to pull attention from mr 'Borg himself.




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And the crew isnt complete withour Ramos and his avatar, Ravatar.

For Ramos I did his OSL after practicing on all the other models. I like how the yellow came out with the little lighter yellow stripes in the lights. The blue OSL on his jacket is the best I produced so far, and am really glad how it turned out. Spent endless amounts of layers on the browns, and was a bit scared to screw it with my blue. Ofcourse Ramos is a boss, and wears white shoes. I think Ramos is my best painted model up to date.




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Ravatar is so cool to play! Building the model was a bit of a choir. Not so much attaching the legs to the torso, but to get the model attached to a base. I couldn't pin it, so had to solve it with multiple layers of glue, a bit of sand where the claw touches the base, and a few extra varnish layers.

I wanted to give a glowing blue look to where the legs attach to the torso. That didn't turn out too well. It looks flat. For the rest I found out during painting that I attached the blue spark the wrong way. The backside is facing forward. Well, as a player I will be looking at his backside quite some, so I will see the more detailed part. Again really tried my best on the base.



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Got the base for my Mechanical Rider. Still have to attach the arm with chain weapon.

Will be working on a trofee for the Painting Raffle I am holding in 10 days first. But then it's back to the last few models for my Ramos crew. After this Mech Rider I got Joss, and then its time for Mei Feng. She's been in her box for way too long! :)



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