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Oscilioth's Malifaux Log


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Hey Everybody!

I've posted up bits and pieces of my things around here before, but now I've taken some better pictures and decided I'd like to catalogue my painting and modelling as I go, hopefully it will keep me motivated to work!

I've painted a decent amount of models for the Resurrectionists, mainly for my starting Master Nicodem. I've also painted up Marcus and have his Beasts on the way, as well as an Outcast Crew I'm excited to start painting.

I'm going to log all the things I have to do here so I can try to keep on top of things.

Malifaux To Do List

Crew Painting

Paint all Resurrectionist models – Completed 16/41
- Dr. Douglas McMourning
- Nicodem, The Undertaker
- Seamus, The Mad Hatter
- Bête Noire
- Canine Remains 4/4
- Copycat Killer
- Crooked Men 3/3
- Dead Doxies 0/2
- The Drowned 0/3
- Flesh Construct
- Grave Spirit
- Guild Autopsies 0/3
- Madame Sybelle
- Mindless Zombies 2/3
- Mortimer, The Gravedigger
- Necropunks 0/3
- Nurse 0/2
- Punk Zombies 3/3
- Rafkin, The Embalmer
- Rotten Belles 3/3
- Sebastion, Morgue Assistant
- Zombie Chihuahua

Paint all Arcanist models – Completed 2/8
- Marcus
- Jackalope
- Molemen 1/3
- Myranda
- Razorspine Rattler
- Sabertooth Cerberus

Paint all Outcast models – Completed 1/10
- Viktorias 1/2
- Bishop
- Desperate Mercenaries 0/2
- Misaki
- Ronin 0/3
- Sue

That's what I've got to do thus far! Quite a bit of work, but I'm looking forward to it!

Without further ado, here is the first set of models for you to look at:

The Undertaker's Lot

Nicodem, the Undertaker


Mortimer, the Gravedigger


Samurai Punk Zombies




So, what do you guys think? Send me some comments and criticism, anything is appreciated!

Thanks guys! Edited by Oscilioth
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I like them a lot. The Samurai Punk Zombies are great sculpts and I think that they suit the blue flesh really well. It looks as though the lighting for the photography has washed out the depth on Nicodem and Mortimer. Taking photos of miniatures in an 'on the tabletop' style looks great but it seems to be really hard to do!

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Yeah, I'm having a hard time getting a good picture of those two. Although the camera I've got is good I don't it was designed for such close up pictures of small objects! It has kind of smoothed over some of my highlighting, but these models are also the first I painted to this standard!

I'd never heard of watering down my paints or highlighting in the few years I did 40k, so these are my first forays! Therefore the highlighting might not be up to scratch anyway. Hopefully we'll see a progression as I post up my later pictures!

Thanks for the support!

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Thanks guys! I was really happy with how Marcus came out, fairly impressed with myself! I'm trying to up my painting and so the OSL was my first attempt at it, I was happy with how it came out.

I was a little worried with the blue sash, but it's not too bad and I don't really want to risk changing it now! :Hiding_Puppet:

I'm going to try to up my painting a bit more on my next big project and see if I can do some better highlighting and such, here's a sneak peak of what's to come...

Work In Progress



One point for whoever can pick out who the model is!

Thanks again guys! Much appreciated!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've got a new model completed that I'm pretty proud of, also with a bit of my own sculpting to it as well.

Tell me what you think!





The highlighting on the purple didn't come out well in the pictures for some reason, it looks a little flat, but it's quite a bit better in reality.

Thanks for looking guys, much appreciated!

Edited by Oscilioth
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