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Seregon paints Arcanists, Outcasts (and Ten Thunders)


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It's bound to be kinda slow, but I'm actually making some progress on my Arcanists. As soon as they are "done", I'll be moving on to the Viks and Freikorps before eventually getting to the Ten Thunders (they'll have been released for quite a while before I'll get that far I wager).

The aim is as decently good I can make it with as little effort as possible (GW washes, I'm looking at you!)

First up are some counts-as Ice Gamin (made from Dragyri Hail Kin) with a slightly modded Raspy yet to be painted (mostly shown for scale. Obvious Ht1 on the gamin, right? Right!?)


Then we have Mr. Spiderman himself, Viktor Ramos, who just got his second batch of spiders all done. Hank the Steamborg is next up to get some paint on him so I'll at least be halfway to the Henchman requirement.


As a final note here, the Gamin bases will be getting some snow love and all things Ramos will get some gears and other kinds of clock-bits on them.

C&C is of course welcome.

Edited by Seregon
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They all look great! And was really fun to play against today. Sorry about 'Dora deciding the Steamborg should play tag-with-giant-claws with itself.

At least I've learned a lesson in that Hank shouldn't throw his team mates around just enough so Pandora is able to slingshot through them. Also, I see his horrible horrible death as a punishment for not being completely painted. Time to get that sorted..

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With a whooping 4 hours to spare, the Ramos box is now done with the addition of Hank the Steamborg and a bonus extra piece in form of a Soulstone Miner. The miner will be getting some additional love to its base once my bricks from Pegasus arrives.

And pics:



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And some final progress for the day in a Brass...er..Steel Arachnid.

Now it's time to pack the stuff up and prepare for a "Come watch Malifaux" mini-event I'm holding at the local store in order to attract attention and persuade the store into start stocking the game.


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cerealkiller195: Yeah, their Ice Explosion ones are really neat, but a bit too expensive for my taste.

Just finished a Large Steampunk Arachnid, which takes me up to 2/3 of all my Arcanists painted to completion. I decided not to bother too much with many different kinds of metal but instead keep it very simple and focus on the eye lenses to make the model stand out.


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