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In Preparation for Ten Thunders


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Alright, so I'm definitely getting the new Ten Thunders stuff, and wanted to ask people about any recipes that they have for Asian flesh tones. I've tried once, and it didn't really work out well. Don't worry about the brand of paint, I'm not particularly beholden to any particular brand and I don't mind picking up new paints to get things working right.

Also, if anyone has any recommendations for painting fire using blues instead of reds, I'd appreciate that. I'd love to paint up Shang as coldfire rather than traditional flames.

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Along these lines...I fully intend to get the Thunders, and although I'm not too worried about the skin tone (I think I'll pick up some pre-mixed paints, perhaps Vallejos), I have no clue what to do about the weird "special effects," like Misaki's foot-sweep and the Ototo's tetsubo slam. Anyone have any ideas? I thought about putting Ototo on a water base (koi pond?), and coating his slam in water effects. I suppose Misaki might work that way, too -- it would be like the classic Kung Fu water-walk schtick -- but I'm still not sure.

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