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35 stone ten thunders

The Godlyness

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that's a neat idea, a ten thunder themed, outcast crew. When I first started the Viks, I got the Viks, the pack of 3 ronin, and Misaki for a more Samurai themed, fluffy crew. With the viks, you got companion, then with the 3 ten thunder brothers and Misaki can companion with each other. You know I love the librarian with the Viks mainly for healing, the ten thunder bros I haven't used yet, but they seem like good defensive models, like holding onto claim jump or some other objective. Misaki, i think, is underused and under appreciated in our local area, she is a cool looking model and is a strong melee model. Giving your melee attacks blast damage with one of her spells can be fun.

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Strangely enough I used this exact list (bar the student) in a 35ss game last week, great minds think alike!

I played against Lilith.

The TTB's worked as I'd hoped, by tying up Lilith and Lelitu. Bend as the willow is a great defensive trigger as you don't even have to make sure you defend successfully to hit the trigger, with a DF6 and triple positive flip you can take away powerful models' combat potential.

Libby was in the crew to heal the TTB's and Misaki, the Vik's can take care of themselves.

4-0 in the end

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I can't see why this crew would not stand a fighting chance against most.

TTB hold all up and control the board with defence (they can even hit back if needed)

Misaki I'm not the biggest fan of but used well you could jump her into the fray at choice moments.

Vik's can just do their thing

Liberian- for healing also can shut down some enemy magic.

Only one thing I would do is switch a TTB for a Ronin. I too would drop Student but then I've never used it.

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I can't see why this crew would not stand a fighting chance against most.

Only one thing I would do is switch a TTB for a Ronin. I too would drop Student but then I've never used it.

The whole thing for me was making it a TT themed list for fun that could work, subbing a Ronin for a TTB takes that away for me personally, although 1-3 Ronin would be better game-wise ;)

I agree, a 3ssc is not enough with the Viks at all, but I had 6, something would need to go if including the SoC, the 3rd TTB is probably a sound choice to go, but I like the extra body.

Will have to try 2TTB's and SoC.

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