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Blood Counter Farming and the Rule of Equivalency



On PullMyFinger the article about the Black Blood Shaman describes a "trick" with Terror Tots and Desperate Mercs where you can get 2 Blood Counters and 1 Corpse Counter from a single death of a Desperate Merc. Is this actually viable given the Rule of Equivalency which says a killed or sacrificed model can not generate more counters/effects for other models than it's base size, which in the case of a 30mm Desperate Merc is 1?!?

I'm a bit confused...

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The Terror Tot can kill the Desperate Merc, then use his (0) Drain Blood action to gain a blood counter. If it is done near a Black Blood Shaman he also gains 1 blood counter thanks to his Blood Sense ability. In killing the Merc, you also drop a corpse counter, which the Shaman can then use.

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On PullMyFinger the article about the Black Blood Shaman describes a "trick" with Terror Tots and Desperate Mercs where you can get 2 Blood Counters and 1 Corpse Counter from a single death of a Desperate Merc. Is this actually viable given the Rule of Equivalency which says a killed or sacrificed model can not generate more counters/effects for other models than it's base size, which in the case of a 30mm Desperate Merc is 1?!?

I'm a bit confused...

First of all Rule of Equivalency hasn't been in use for over a year now. It is part of the original rules (book 2 expansion) and the rules you should play by now are in the Rules Manual (small book, free download or the new edition of book 1 which should be available soon).

Secondly, even when RoE was still in place it was possible, because of how Nephilim generate Blood Counters. Rather than getting them "from" the killed miniature (like Corpse Counters or summons), they use their own (0) action to create the Blood Counter, after they kill something. Fluff-wise the difference may be mere semantics, but as far as rules go, Nephilim way of making Blood Counters has nothing to do with the dead model, merely with the act of killing it being the condition allowing them to use own action. Also as a drawback they get only 1 Blood counter, even if they kill 2 models during their activation (since they can execute only one (0) action).

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