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Override Edict



Hi everyone, Im fairly new the Malifaux so I apologise if this question seems rather silly but in a game today, I cast Override Edict on a Peacekeeper that had already Activated, thus Reactivating it however this is where the confusion came in. Does the Peacekeeper have to wait to be Activated again after my opponent has had a chance to Activate one of their models or does the Peacekeeper Activate straight after Hoffman.

The reason this conflict came was because the first line says 'Activate target construct after this model's activation ends.'This to me overrides the normal way a Reactivated model works i.e having to wait as other models do. My opponent claimed that because it says the model gains Reactivate, then the first line doesn't apply as that only applies to models that have not Activated previously.

So, I guess my question is, would the Peacekeeper get to act as normal after Hoffman, or would he have to wait his turn?

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There are two parts to it. One stating the model activates immediately after, and the other saying if it has already activated it gains reactivate. This is to make sure that you can't reactivating through other reactivates or what-not that Hoffman might acquire.

You were correct. He gains reactivate and goes immediately after hoffman.

Edit: On additional note, a model that has gained reactivate once that turn already would not be able to activate again even with this spell. As a model can only be affected by the effects of Reactivate once per turn.

Edited by mpangelu
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Thanks for the quick reply. I thought it would but as I'm new to the game and my opponent has being playing a while I wasn't entirely sure which way it would work. We did play it as the Peacekeeper would act again (through a lucky dice roll) but I thought it would be best to ask :) I did try to explain why the model gained Reactivate (using those very examples) but he wasn't entirely convinced either way on the matter.

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It's ok, long time playing doesn't mean that we can't be wrong. My buddies and I had been heavily mis-using the Red Joker for a long long while now and only recently found out we were doing it wrong through a different issue that came up. (we were flipping an extra card whenever a red joker was used not just for damage). So all in all, never be afraid to ask or question. We can all get it wrong now and again.

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Heh, I asked the same question yesterday in another topic here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?30829-Rectivate-and-override-edict/page2 :)

I think the confusion comes up because Reactivate has it's own rules and the sentence is structured in a way that can be interpreted as an OR clause. A simple inclusion of "also" would fix that right up:

"Activate target Construct after this model's activation ends. If the target Construct has activated previously this turn, it also gains Reactivate. This model's Controller controls the target during this activation. After this activation, the target cannot activate again this turn."

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