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Who were the coolest celebs I saw at Comic-Con? Nathan and EricJ!!!


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And Keltheos.

But yeah, we're spoiled in SoCal and have Keltheos hanging out all the time. :P

I'm still really blown away by these guys. With all the madness of GenCon and everything else we know they are working on, Nathan and EricJ paid the already lucky SoCal Malifaux group a visit at another one of the largest conventions of all time. And what can we say? They're just flat out good guys. From my end, when they told me they would be there- I was floored.

Honestly, in over 20 years in this hobby I've never seen this caliber of support from creators and developers from any game I've ever played. And that's besides the fact that this is easily the best miniatures game I've ever played.

So Nathan, EricJ, Kel- thanks again for your support, and well, just coming down to hang out at Comic-Con.

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Wow, it was TOTALLY awesome meeting those guys! I got a lot of questions answered, the guys were cool about answering some tough questions they listened to my feedback(well it appeared as if they were listening) LOL. I was pleasure meeting them and getting to hear all the cool stuff in the works.

Thanks Nathan, Eric oh and you too Dan... ;-P

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Huge thank you to Eric, Nathan, and Dan for making the trek to comic con and hanging out in the game room with SoCal Malifaux! They are really great down to earth guys and it's no surprise the company is producing such outstanding games and miniatures with them at the helm. I'm looking forward to hanging out with you guys again some time in the near future!

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