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Making sure I undersatnd Levi


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Ok sunshine well this is the first time you mentioned anything about "history of Levi." I did see the one post about how he used to work yes, but nothing on the " from the dawn of time era." So here just to clear this up so neither of us has to waste anymore time. Between the Spells section of the book, The Damage section of the book, The FAQ's, and his updated card..... there is a Clear way he can and Can't do things. There is no question of the"what if the spell could fail." That doesn't matter. If you effect would kill him (exception of drain souls ability) then it better say it under the talent or spell, Otherwise you cannot use a spell of talent that would drop him to 0 Wds unless it states,"The model can reduce its Wds to 0 in this way."

Is there anything that makes that non crystal clear, or can we end this debate and move on to another( perhaps effective uses of Bash lol)

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The tone in this thread needs to change.

Not everybody reads things the same way or understands everything perfectly the first time. Asking is fine.

And, it's also sometimes difficult to read tone over the internet. Due to the flat way ideas are conveyed here, things often come off more offensive than you mean them to be. That's why I like smilies, it lets me say things like this.

Ratty smells of cheese. :)

Eric has become a blog diva who needs to give me a raise. 8-)

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