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Weird Leveticus Crew Idea

Hateful Darkblack

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Outcasts Crew - 30 - Scrap

Leveticus, Steampunk Necromancer -- 1 Pool

Canine Remains [2ss]

Jack Daw [9ss]

The Stolen [3ss]

The Stolen [3ss]

The Stolen [3ss]

The Stolen [3ss]

The Stolen [3ss]

The Stolen [3ss]

The idea is to run a Leveticus Crew with Hamelin-style tactics. Use the Canine Remains to make a second Waid as usual, of couse. Sacrifice the Stolen to make enemy targets Insignificant and leave Malifaux Rats behind. Then have Malifaux Rats summon a Rat-catcher. Jack Daw makes things unable to Cheat, Leveticus kills them with his scary Leveticus mojo, and the Rat-Catcher turns them into rats.

Does this work? Has anyone seen this in play? Is it obnoxious?

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