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Reluctantly persuing the guild... Lucius! With?


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So after so long of stepping around the guild, and messing with everyone else. I finally decided I needed a guild crew. Lady J doesn't thrill me much, Perdita is tempting, but doesn't quite do it for me. Sonnia is boring to me in all honesty, though her models are all very well done. Hoffman is quite tempting as well, being a machinist and all, but I'm thinking of the guilds hench as my first go around. Big question, is how study of a leader is he? I'm pretty used to running Collodi by himself so hows this beast compare? What other then guild guard work with him?

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Lucius can lead fairly well. He is restricted to Guild Guard, Austringers, Ryle, Lawyer, Guard Captain, guild hounds, the warden and a totem at the moment. This is quite a well spread list for a henchman allowing a lot of different builds and styles.

Lucius is a good support, but you typically need a workhorse for him to support, as his turn is typically issuing commands. Ryle and the austyringers do this well for range and Ryle and the guard captain do it well in Close combat.

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Thank you!

The smaller range of models doesn't matter much to me as I'm broke right now anyway. So. no worries there. I generally like the look of all the models he has available to him. Plus, it fits well with the Deadlands Savage Worlds campaign we're running, so double bonus!

Edited by Cthulhurising
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I only ever run Lucius by himself he is a great leader, even with a reduced number of choices that he can take he is still very effective. He relies on his crew to do most of the work and makes just about everyone doubly (if not more) effective.

with his defensive buffs he is pretty hard to take out for good, in most cases enemies will simply try and ignore him as his damage output isn't great without any minions to control. But between his speed and crew manipulation is a one of my favorite leaders to play (sonnia being the other).

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