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New gaming store just opened in downtown Plainfield, IL.

C Swizzy

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I talked to the owner today and he seemed open to us meeting regularly to play Malifaux. They have a nice size gaming area. Its actually the largest part of the store. They also have another room for a more private gaming session with one table.

In looking at the layout of the gaming room, we estimated being able to have a 16 player tournament comfortably. (Assuming we could use up all the space)

The tables are individually not 3 feet in width though, so we'd need to push them together.

You access the store on the side of the building and its on the second floor.

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We must have walked right by each other! Asked a few guys if they were Gruesome and got some puzzled looks. :P Paul and I were just checking the place out. About 2pm. Tons of room, just need to build some 3x3 boards and were ready to go. Owner seems nice, open to any input on games / stock. Looking forward to playing some games there!

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We wound up there much earlier than expected as TekDekay had some stuff canceled.

We spent most of our time looking at the games, then watching the White Sox fail to score runs for Jake Peavy again while our sons checked out Super Dungeon Explore.

I wound up buying Quarriors since I had heard good things about it and wanted something that my wife and daughter could play too.

We should figure out a day/time that works for as many people as possible and start getting together.

The owner said he had a storage area where we could keep terrain as he does not have any yet. We have enough for a few tables we could keep there, while still keeping a little stock-pile for home.

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Maybe after my wedding I can apply to be a Henchmen. I would love to do it but my schedule kind of sucks (3pm-11pm with Thursday Friday off).

I have some terrain that I might be able to donate to the cause.

Let's keep in touch so we can make this happen!

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This makes the second gaming store in plainfield. Admitedly the first one (top cut) seems mostly magic based because they only have 1 gaming table. I'd be down to help make some terrain for the store. I'm good at following directions, not so good at my own ideas for creating terrain.

TLDR: tell me how/what to make for terrain and if its within my skills to make I'll do it.

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I am thinking about putting together a lend/lease deal with terrain across all these new stores. Maybe pull together a bunch of us and do a bunch of big terrain building days and then split the terrain across the venues.

Then when we run large events(from simple local tournies all the way to thinks like Adepticon) we can pull it all together and use it and then return it to the store when done.

As long as we all respect is and play nice I think it would benefit all the stores and help out when we need to pull a lot of terrain together.

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That sounds like a great idea. Tekdekay and I were talking a bit yesterday about terrain. He has Hirst Arts molds and we were wondering about maybe trying to churn out terrain.

Also, regarding henchman... Is there particular rules about only having one in a particular area?

Personally, I think it would be cool to have a few in the area committed to keep regular events and demonstrations going.

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Also, regarding henchman... Is there particular rules about only having one in a particular area?

The general rule is one per store, but depending on the situation and arrangements we can talk to Justin about what people may want to do. The trend I see is that as long as it makes sense and no one is abusing it(IE there are not 6 Henchman in a store all running demos all week and gaining hundred of comp stones a week) then it generally works out.

Chicago is a big area with a growing Malifaux community and growing Game store presence. Combine that with several decent local conventions and one large miniature convention(Largest dedicated mini con in the US baby! :) ). Not to mention several Genre parallel big cons in the city(like ACEN and Comicon) and its clear that a large Henchman community can easily be supported here in my honest opinion. I'm honestly surprised that it took this long to get more then 2 of us officially doing it :)

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I dunno what a comp stone is, but the rest of what you say makes sense.

I also did not know there was another gamestore in Plainfield.

One sad note I forgot to bring up yesterday is that the store is NOT on the exact corner I thought it was, so I have to actually walk a block or so to get to the Irish pub I was thinking of... :)

But that can totally count for my exercise for the day!

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I dunno what a comp stone is, but the rest of what you say makes sense.

Henchman earn Soul stone compensation for running events and demos and such. Its basically online store credit. Its a nice way Wyrd says "Thanks!" for helping out. Its not tons of cash(unless you run a ton of events and demos) and a lot of us use it to help supplement our prize support but its nice to have when you really want a new model and the wife won't let you spend any money :)

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so what is everyones best day to play? (I am hoping not thursdays lol as that is probably the busiest day I have atleast during the school portion of the year as my boy has cubscouts and this time of year its the only true day for me to get in some warmachine/hordes.

Outside of the street set of terrorclips i have zilch for terrain but will help however possible though chances are my son will be in tow a majority of the time.

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My best days are Monday, Thursday nights, and most Saturdays. After GenCon I could probably contribute with making some terrain. Ive been working on a game table design to start after GenCon (was really hoping to get it started and ready to bring to Indy bud sadly, was short on funds till now)Looking forward to getting some games in at the new place!

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Its kinda late notice but is anyone up for a game tomorrow(July 5th)? I'm not sure what kind of terrain/tables they have but I'd be ok with improvised terrain. I'm just itching for some Malifaux...

If anyone is up for it PM me and we'll work something out.

Edited by Korrosion
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I cannot be there, but wanted to mention they currently do not have terrain.

We are hoping to stock it with terrain for miniatures over the coming weeks though and they said that they could store it for us. But they do probably have soda cans and boxes and other odds and ends for some impromptu terrain.

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