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Hoffman, Pale Rider, and Machine Puppet

E.T.A. Hoffman



Does Hoffman gain the benefits of the Pale Riders riffle when he uses it in a machine puppet attacks?

The gun has a special ability, not a trigger, that it heals the user 2 wounds when it kills a model. Since Hoffman is firing the gun, and this is not a trigger, I assume that Hoffman gets healed the two wounds.

Is this correct?


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As I read the ability, it says "Target Construct within 4" makes a Strike..." which tells me the Construct is actually performing the attack. Hoffman is just guiding its hand, so to speak. The construct would get the heal. If the power says "Target a Construct within 4". This model makes a Strike with one of its basic Weapons" then I could see the argument that Hoffman gets the heal.

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I thought about that too. Hoffman's guiding of the construct's hand means he can Use Soulstones in the attack attempt, but the construct is still the one physically holding the rifle.

As I have no better answer and only my understanding, I'll gladly bow to someone else's call on this one.

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Machine Puppet says that it's the target model making the strike. Final Moments heals 2 Wd to the model that made the fatal strike, the Pale Rider.

C. Hoffman DOES get 1 Wd healed from Feedback if you've been having him follow the rider with Drawn to Metal, so this is kind of a moot point.

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Really? That seems really lame since that's one of Hoffman's main offensive abilities, and since other Master who can Obey people can use SS on their attacks.

Man I'd hate to be on the other end of an obey in your gamer group. Stoning to hit on a minion model could be devastating... :Paralyzed_Puppet:

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