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Slow growth league??


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My gaming group mostly plays Warmachine but many of us have Malifaux crews and I was hoping to inspire some more Malifaux mischief with a league that would introduce the rules and play. Are there some guidelines for a slow growth or journeyman style league in Malifaux?


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Not to sure about anything with rules ect, but if it is just to learn the rules, just start at 15 - 20 stone games, and add 5 stones to the game every 2 weeks or so seems simple enough, as you don't start with to many models, so learning the rules is simple, and then you add new models to the crew to get new rules, or have to learn to swap around your crew if you want a big model by removing stuff to fit the big new shiny in :)

Probably already thought of this but always best to start with the obvious first in case you havent though of it yet :)

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I am running that at with my gaming group at the moment. We are in week 4 now. The way I set it up was to let everyone choose the point size, but the following rules for masters. For week 1 and 2, players had to stick to their choosen master. During week 3 and 4, players could change their master but have to stick with it during the rest of the week. During week 5 and 6, players could pick any master. Players also had to pick a faction and still with it during the whole league. It is easy enough to also start at 15ss and increase it my 5ss each week also. If you like, I can post up the rules here.

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