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Henchmen: Time off and retirement

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Not sure if this is the right forum or not. Anyway...

I've been meaning to apply for henchmen status for a while now as I love to spread and teach the Holy Word of Wyrd and so I just downloaded and read the application form and may have a bit of a problem.

It says run an average of one event a month. For the summer, that's easy. I've already arranged a tournament for the end of the month and for some demos at two local coffee shops (we have no local gaming store, believe it or not.)

However, things get complicated in September: I'm moving to China for a new job. I have no idea what the "geek culture" is like over there or if they have gaming stores. Likewise, for the first few months, I'll be adjusting to my new job, life in a new country, etc. so sadly, Malifaux will probably not be on my mind (although I'll be forcing my roommate to learn and love it.)

That said, can Henchmen "retire" or go into an "inactive" status and waive the one event per month obligation for a period of time? I want to try and spread the Holy Word of Wyrd to at least 100 million people while I'm over there (go big or go home, right? :D ) but it may take some time to adjust.

I know this may seem like a silly question because it's not a job and I could just stop doing it but if I sign up, I intend to take it seriously and not just blow it off, hence why I ask.

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