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Another Sandwich model suggestion: Corpseroot


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They watched.

Every step Seamus took into the heart of the Bayou's murky waters resonated off of its skeletal trees, sloshing the muck-laden liquid upon his face. He scowled at the thought of his hat getting drenched and slowly came to cursing under his breath as he pressed towards the rendevous point.

The heat and humidity of the Bayou was slowly increasing, burning Seamus' flesh and pulling from it droplets of sweat. This furthered his anger to the point that he began loudly accosting the flora of the boggy waters, harkening more and more of the Gremlin Kin to perch upon the trees, watching their prey.

"He's skinny, tha's fer sure!" Whispered their leader to his boys, "But we ain't had a human in 'ere fer a bit."

Uncaring to the fact that he was being followed, and instead choosing to increase the volume of his shouts as the water level receded, further increasing the heat surrounding him. The small island in the Bog that he found himself standing upon was lined with sickly gray vines that smelled of decay, bringing back sweet memories of careless slaughter, an activity he'd much rather be a part of than mucking through thick water to meet Nicodem over another new discovery.

Stopping to whisk the mud off of his pants, he came to realize that a far greater number of Gremlins than he expected were lurking in bushes surrounding the Island. He rose to taut position and stretched out his hips as a deep sigh escaped his lips.

"Righ then, let's get to it." He said calmly as the ranks of Gremlins burst forth from the bramble and clamored through the waters, leaping clumsily onto the earthen walls of the island to surround him from all angles, forming a circle that would soon spell imminent death.

Seamus, being much of the pragmatist that he was infamous for, quickly reckonized that the Gremlin with the largest Hat would clearly be their leader, and, drawing his beloved .50 Caliber, fired off a roaring flame into the skull of the poor creature, snapping its back as the force of the lead tore through its skull and swaying its still standing corpse from side to side before it collapsed backwards into the water with a large "Plop."

As the bullet tore through the sky with a pink mist in its wake, the legion of angry green people lunged in harmony at the Mad Hatter, causing him to dive through the thinnest flank of the little green beasts and head first into the sickly red waters below.

Makeshift rounds of stone and sod burst from all around him and exploded into fragments when they touched the water's edge as he swam quickly away from the massive engagement. Seamus jerked left and right to avoid the spears and boulders being flung, seeking an escape from the vile creatures native to the Bayou, all while surviving on a dwindling resource of oxygen in his lungs.

Without a will of his own, his body forced itself to the surface as a sharp, gaping inhale filled his lungs with the essence of life he so gleefully loved to remove from others. Stones and spears flew past him and drifted away from the scene of gratutious violence, catching his eye for only a split second until a gleam of brown and gray plunged itself deep into his chest, its fanged tip locking the spear into his ribcage while the rope tied to the other end pulled taut, jerking him sharply towards the mob of Gremlins.

The largest gremlin, with skin a strange, dotted brown color and eyes stuck oddly to the far sides of his head was smiling stupidly as the dozen green men surrounding him helped to yank their prey onto land. Seamus struggled in vain and could not loose the Spear embedded inside him. A thick spat of blood escaped him as his body slammed into the wall of the Island and was slowly dragged onto land by the hungry swarm of the Bayou's masters. They tore his shirt from his body and threw it around in celebration as a loud horn sounded, beckoning others to come and celebrate the kill as the spear was violently torn out of his chest and cast to the side.

Seamus, even in his own insanity and pride could see now that this would be his end, that nothing he could fathom up from his Bag of Tools would stem the tide of Gremlins from coming to feast upon his frail corpse. He stretched his arms out slowly in a single motion, secretatively drawing the slim razor he hid in his teeth and clenching it between his fingers as he belched out, "So now what?"

Swollen with pride, one of the chief Gremlins moved to silence its food while the rest of its Kin were preoccupied with their animalistic celebration of the kill. The razor blade slid smoothly across the unknowing creature's throat as Seamus rose to his feet and ran for his .50 Caliber pistol while the Gremlin choked and gurgled out a stream of blood.

It took the crowd of Gremlins a moment to fully grasp what had happened, and by the time they had collected themselves to attack, it was too late and Seamus had loaded his pistol, blowing a gnarled hole into the chest of a nearby victim. The Gremlins scuttled to attack but Seamus, envigored on murder and wearing a horrifying smile as he slit his way through their ranks, was too far gone into his madness to feel the stinging pain of the Gremlin's insignificant weaponry.

One of the young Gremlins skittered past the scuffle to the Horn where he bellowed two loud blows into the conchlike object, calling for more of the Clan to come. As the horn roared through the Bayou, many of the fighters stopped to look for where their reinforcements would come, only to find nothing.

Their sheer numbers soon began to work in the favor of the little green men as Seamus was clearly tiring as he slaughtered what seemed to be an endless number of those that would combat him. His growing fatigue, however, became the least of his worries as many of his assailents leapt from combat screaming of bombs and that they were employing the ever horrifying Pigapult.

With only a moment to fully digest his impending fate, Seamus tried to leap for cover but could not move fast enough as a small pink explosive crashed to the ground beside him, letting off a massive explosion at his feet and throwing him several feet towards the center of the Island, rolling his body violently to a stop as a daze of agony and stupification drench itself upon him.

The Explosion rocked the surrounding area with a massive shockwave, throwing back even the most stalwart of gremlins and shaking the trees powerfully enough to lessen the Parasitic seeds that cling to their summit. Each seed plopped into the corpse filled water and then fell silent as the drift of their grave carried them to and fro.

As Seamus' vision blurred and blood pooled around him, he could only watch as a plump, gray heap of flesh dragged itself onto the island, carrying with it the corpse of the Gremlin leader out of the water in its brambled vines as it shot a fanged length of gray flesh into the chest of a small gremlin and pulled it directly into its gaping maw, ripping him in twain and leaving his severed lower half to fall to the floor.

Knees buckling, nerves twitching, and half of the carcass missing, the Gremlin corpse sputtered as it collapsed to the ground and jolted violently about as the last vestiges of life dripped away from it.

Another vine burst out of the water, dragging with it another fleshy mound of the vile plant, shooting out its razored vine into the swarm of Gremlins, ripping another unfortunate victim direcly into its traplike appendage, tearing his body into pieces as it spat out the desecrated half of the small green creature.

When the body of the Gremlin hit the floor, it wretched out a sickly purple sphere of bile that splattered all about the corpse, forcing deadened nerves to violently shiver as fat gray mass ripped through the body and began to form a writhing clone of the unknown plantlife before it.

The Gremlins, finally realizing that they were in grave danger, took up arms and charged at the sickly growths of death incarnate, to no effect as the thick husks of monsters shrugged off all but the most sharp of blades and the viny growths would simply mend any wounds the thing sustained.

When the swarm and the plants were as one, a single group of desperation and slaughter did the plants expunge a dreary cloud of blackness, choking up the gremlins and forcing them to cease the assault as they fought for air. The Spore Cloud was so thick from the three fleshy bulbs that even the strongest of Gremlins crumpled to the floor before their butchers.

As the last Gremlin fell to his sweet and final slumber, Seamus rose, freshly envigored by the deaths of the unfortunate, all but ignorant to the morbid wounds lining his body and refreshed with a sense of curiousity and pride that he hadn't felt since his first murder, flowed through his body.

In his usual vein, he casually strolled towards his three beautiful saviors, a hollow smirk on his face and a gaping hole in his chest. The plants, sensing his power, feeling his taste for the slaughter, knowing his penchant for chaos, did not rise to fight the intruder, they only lulled about as he walked with a strange gait through them, petting their fleshy mouths, purring to their wonderful anatomy, smiling at their perfect nature.

"I never thought about it before," He giggled, "But I get why they always tell me to stop an' smell the roses."

The unmoving entities remained lulled as he circled them about, examining their features. Massive fangs lined the mouths of the plants, spiny tendrils wrapped around them from all directions, tiny orifices lined the entire body of the creature, no doubt the origin of the deathly clouds they unleashed.

He stood for a moment with his arms crossed, drenched in blood and with pools of crimson lining his feet, absolutely at peace with the world before he came to realize that he had no way to transport these things anywhere. Thoughts of the many ways to recreate the monster laced his mind in an unusual clarity. The plants before him shivered quietly as they slowly dripped out small orbs covered in a sickly bile; Seeds.

Unthinking as they were, the plants knew full well what their master wished for and did so without a bequest. Seamus did not immediately realize what was placed before him, but as the realization set, glee overcame him and he squawked happily.

Without another thought, he dropped to his knees and scooped up the dozen seeds into his hand bag.

"Nicodem's gonna wanna see these!"


30MM Base

Soul Stone Cost: 5

Wk/Cg:- / -



Ca:6 :crows



Spiny Tendril

Rg::ranged 6

Cb: 6

Dg: 1/2/2

Grave Maw

Rg: :melee 1

Cb: 5:crows

Dg: 2/3/4


The First Seed: This model may only be hired into crews containing one or more models with the Graverobber Trait. When this model is hired into a crew, Bury it. This model does not Deploy normally. Instead, you may Unbury this model into Base Contact with a Corpse Counter that is within 12" of a friendly Master. If there are no friendly models with the Graverobber trait in play while this model is Buried, sacrifice this model and gain 1 Soul Stones.

Parasite: When this model is Unburied or Summoned into play, it gains "Parasite: This model may not move or be pushed. While this model is under the Effect of Parasite, it gains Regeneration 2 and is Immune to Slow, Paralyze and Insignificant. Parasite cannot be removed from this model by any talent or spell and ends immediately if this model is not in Base Contact with a Corpse Counter, if Parasite is removed, this model suffers 3 Wd at the start of each Activation and cannot be Healed until it is under the effect of Parasite again."

Protect the Source: If a non-friendly model attempts to remove a Corpse Counter in base contact with this model, this model first makes a melee or Ranged Strike targeting the model. If that model suffers any Wd from the Strike, the Corpse Counter remains in play and any effects generated from removing the Corpse Counter fail.

Dark Understanding: If a Friendly model removes a Corpse Counter in Base Contact with this model, it suffers no Wd. Instead, this model immediately pushes up to 6" directly towards a Corpse Counter. If this Push does not end with this model in Base Contact with a Corpse Counter, this model suffers Wd from Parasite as normal. This Ability has no effect unless there would be no Corpse Counters in Base Contact with this model after the Friendly Model's Talent or Spell had taken effect.

Strange Organism: This model is not Considered Living.

Predatory: This model may not enter Defensive Stance.

Hard to Wound 1


(+1)Melee Expert


(2)Seek the Dead: This model suffers 1 Wd. Place this model into Base Contact with a Corpse Counter within 6".

(1)Necrosynthesis: Discard a Corpse Counter within 4". This model gains +1 Df and makes a Healing Flip.


Cb(:crows) Drag [spiny Tendrils]: After Damaging Defender, push Defender 3" directly towards this model.

Cb(:crows:masks) Fanged Maw [Grave Maw]: After Damaging Defender, Defender receives -1 Df when Defending from Disengaging Strikes from this model for the rest of the Encounter.

Ca(:crows:tomes) Expunge [ Necrotic Spore Cloud]: This model suffers 2 Wd. Increase the :aura by +4".


(1)Necrotic Spore Cloud

(CC: 14:crows/ Rst: - / Rg: :aura 4.)

Models without the Undead Characteristic entering the :aura must win a Df->10 duel or suffer 2 Wd and gain 1 Poison Token. Increase the TN of the Duel by 2 and the Wd suffered by 1 for each Necrotic Spore Cloud the model enters during the Move. Wd suffered can be increased to a maximum of +3Wd.

(2)Death Blooms

(CC: 16:crows:crows/ Rst: -: Rg: 8)

AR: This model suffers Half its Current Wd. Target a Corpse Counter within range. Summon one Corpseroot model into Base Contact with target Corpse Counter, that model suffers 4 Wd. This Spell cannot be Cast on Corpse Counters in Base Contact with this model or another Friendly Corpseroot model. This Spell may only be Cast if this model is under the effects of Parasite and may not be cast if it would reduce this model to below 2 Wd.

Edited by Sandwich
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Much too powerful for 4 SS, which is something I say about the Death Marshals and this is better.

They're wholly immobile and will die quickly if they aren't attached to a Corpse Counter, which remains vulnerable.

They also drop nothing if they die and are very crow intensive.

What specifically do you find to be too powerful?

And I'm not refuting you, just getting an opinion.

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Its not really immobile at all if it spawns off a corpse counter that you can pretty much put down where ever you need it. You can use it to block lines of advance and deny items to your opponent as well like treasure dynamite etc.

Still it could be an annoying random monster instead of any factions thing, but then that would penalize the resurectionists wouldn't it.

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I like the idea. Its definitely something new. I think there might be some kinks to work out (ie mindless zombies), but it doesn't seem obviously over powered to me. It is tough, but its ranged attack is only annoying and as mentioned, the intent is for it to be almost completely immobile. If that balance between toughness and immobility can be struck, I think it would be a very interesting model.


Perhaps make it Rare 2?

Edited by Cadilon
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You cant drop corpse counters can you?

No sir.

- - - - -

If you do shackle it to a Mindless Zombie (Which you can do) it suffers 3 Wd if that model leaves base Contact, and has to suffer an additional Wd + spend its 2 general AP to get back into base contact with the MZ.

It's super immobile.

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except you could move a canine where you want it to pop then kill it yourself, so still highly mobile.....

Way too powerful for a 4ss model, especially most 4ss models are only 6 wds, and either have HtK or HtW or Regen, not all 3.

Drop HtK, take away wicked, lose the +4" trigger on the spore cloud. Change the language so that it can't spawn any more of itself if it has 2 Wd or less.... Make it Regen 1, not regen 2.

I'd also change the damage on the maw to 2/2/4.

Even then I'd see it as a very good buy at 4ss.

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except you could move a canine where you want it to pop then kill it yourself, so still highly mobile.....

Way too powerful for a 4ss model, especially most 4ss models are only 6 wds, and either have HtK or HtW or Regen, not all 3.

Drop HtK, take away wicked, lose the +4" trigger on the spore cloud. Change the language so that it can't spawn any more of itself if it has 2 Wd or less.... Make it Regen 1, not regen 2.

I'd also change the damage on the maw to 2/2/4.

Even then I'd see it as a very good buy at 4ss.

I totally forgot about Hard To Kill.

I'd actually meant to remove that and just didn't.

Also, thank you for pointing out how unclear the Summon was when interacting with 2 Wds.

I had intended it to be "No summon if you're at 3 Wd or less."

After playing a game last night, I'm thinking to keep the stat card the same, and increasing the cost to 5 SS, because at that point it'll cost you 7+ Soul Stones to make this model highly mobile.

Leaving Hard to Wound and Regen 2 because it causes far too much damage to itself for it to be a feasible model without passive regen.

Leaving the Trigger on the Spore Cloud but clarifying that it only interacts with other clouds if a model enters more than one in a single move, not consecutive clouds.

The damage on the maw is fairly lenient as it will more often than not do Weak Damage, so I think 2/3/4 is decently rewarding.

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