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Ortega Crew list suggestions


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I am not interested in the Guild faction on balance, but I love Perdita and the Ortegas. She is my secondary back up master so to speak. So far my collection for her includes:

Starting Box

(edit)Enslaved Nephelim(/edit)


1 Austringer

1 Peacekeeper

I intend to get:

1 more Austringer

Guild Executioner

2-4 Guild Hounds

Are there any other guild models (or mercenaries) that I should pick up to support Perdita and make her more versatile? I'm not really interested in any of the other Guild masters.


Kate Dixon

Edited by FoolWithTheFez
missed a model
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It is somewhat dependent on what you are up against but witchling stalkers are always nice for the magic weapon and explody goodness, death marshals are a close second, a student of conflict is a good one but unless i take von schill i tend to think the additional obey from the enslaved nephelim is better than an (all) fast on one of the other minions.

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You might want to reconsider Nino.. his range and head shot trigger can give a bit of board control with Perdita does her thing..

As for 4 point minions, it really depends on the schemes.. if you face a lot of spirits, having some Witchling Stalkers and the Handler would help you beat them.

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I am not interested in the Guild faction on balance, but I love Perdita and the Ortegas. ...

Are there any other guild models (or mercenaries) that I should pick up to support Perdita and make her more versatile? I'm not really interested in any of the other Guild masters.

As I'm sure you know, guild has one of the best minion cross over in the game. That is to say, that any master can work with just about any minion in the faction. As a case in point, I just played a 25 SS game that included:



Sam Hopkins

2x Witchling Stalkers

That was my "all my models have Hunter and Scout" gunline. (Perdita doesn't have hunter and scout...but she didn't need to with her high movement and fast.) I did exceedingly well with this list considering I went up vs. a slow arcanist army.

So here's some non-family guild model random thought! (is that enough adjectives?)

Witchlings - always good, everyone needs to cast spells and they give you magic melee options.

Death Marshalls - more built in critical strike and more defensive than most Ortegas (and more competant in melee than most Ortegas)

Now on to things to really take advantage of:

Guardian - Imagine your Ortegas with armor. Imagine protecting Santiago so he can easily stay wounded (and angry) but not be close to death.

Ryle - Puts out tons of 1 point shots at good range (12"). Able to use his 0" push easily with all those alive Ortegas around. Not a great choice with Perdita if you like to use her Obey spell (he is immune to it).

Judge - Many have liked him in a protector role with the Ortegas where he can deal in melee with things that show up, but still have some range. Similar to how you might use that executioner.

Watcher - Takes away cover. Can eliminate terrifying. Can eliminate pitiful/harmless. All at huge range. Also a cheap significant minion with terrific range and movement. A great option for Ortegas.

Mercenary - Convict Gunsmith...Has a nice way to hand out paralyze. Like Perdita has faster'n'you but with different suit trigger. Paired pistols is always nice. Good model, even at +1 SS cost due to being mercenary.

Pale Rider - Expensive...but excellent mobility (like Perdita) to bring a little more damage easily to an area. Also able (like Perdita) to move like mad to grab objectives late game. I'm painting mine up now to try, but I giggle at the amount of harassment I can generate with a move-shoot-move Perdita and a mounted fusilade Pale Rider tandem.

I'm sure more people have more ideas...enjoy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking at getting some witchlings for my Ortega crew, as I would like some more 4ss models, and death Marshalls leave me a little underwhelmed.

The executioner is a solid choice, he has done quite a bit of damage when I use him and my regular opponent knows to stay away from him with everything apart from his master (lillith).

An exorcist could be a good choice if you often play vs undead, and if using witchlings a witchling handler could also be a good choice.

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Hmm... how about the Guild Guards as your alternative 4 SS minions?


Armor 1

and decent Cb and dmg are worth the price of admission... plus they would fit well if you decide to also take Lucius with Perdita...

Move Lucius as far in board as you can then reinforce Perdita... Perdita's Df and defensive triggers would keep her safe until her activation where she can go in and pew pew pew inside your opponent's deployment zone.

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