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Bladebaka's Miniatures (WARNING!!! +[PIC HEAVY]+)


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Hey all,

Bladebaka here. I figure its high time that I post up my Minis on the forum dedicated to them, so without further ado, here they are!









Brass Arachnid:



Spider Swarm #1:



Spider Swarm #2:




Heeeeeere's RAMOS!:




And his Totem:








First Scarab Swarm:






Second Scarab Swarm:







And that's my Ramos Crew so far, except for the Mobile Toolkit that I'll get to after I paint my Rasputina Crew.

Comments and Criticism are greatly appreciated, especially since I plan on repainting at least Ramos and the Steamborg soon! <3


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Oh, yeah... I've been meaning to MacGyver up a lightbox to get better pics... Maybe after my paycheck clears I'll get some el cheapo materials to do just that!

As for the bases, well, I was inspired by... I think it was a combination of Acefisher1's bases and the "old west" style mines you see in movies and old pictures.



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  • 11 months later...


About a month ago when Joe from Cheated Fates Radio first told me he was visiting South Carolina for a work thing, and mentioned the possibility of getting together for an intro game, my spark got relit. My minis had taken a long bath and been packed away in pieces for possible future reassembling and painting around a year prior, as there was no Malifaux community in the area of Texas I used to live in. There isn't much around here, either, but at least there are communities at the two nearest metropoli, Atlanta and Greensboro.

So, sadly, I had lost the basing material I'd used for all my previous miniatures - however I still had some 40K detritus around, and used some "metal" platforms and some "double diamond" sheet styrene I found at Hobby Lobby to get some basing together.

I discovered that many of the (original) Steampunk Arachnids had their leg-pins break off. I managed to reattach them, but decided that magnetizing them was no longer an option due to their new fragility. I ordered two new sets of spoiders to complement them, Avatar Ramos, Electrical Creation, Soulstone Miner, and a Mechanical Rider.

All of the minis I own for Ramos are finished, except for my Steamborg and my Brass Arachnid. I don't think I'll ever use those two for Ramos, as Rider and Toolkit are better anyhow.


I bought the Mei Feng box today at The Tower Game Center in Suwanee, GA, as well as picked up my Malifaux Battlefoam bag and some Secret Weapons Miniatures bases, which were a spontaneous buy. I got the Asian Garden/zen/whatever set of 10 30mm Round-lip bases. They looked awesome, and I intended to use them originally for my small Viks crew... But I think my Arcanists obsession is creeping up on me. They ended up being used for Mei and her crew, with one of my old casts of a 40mm base being gussied up for Kang to look similar.

So I suppose I'm a complete Arcanists player now, without ever playing the game (a task that has ever eluded me!). I definitely like the whole Steampunk/construct business, that's for sure. I planned on buying a crapload of models when I heard the annoucement of 2nd Ed. in the near future, and new sculpts and plastics, and decided that I'd wait, unless the stuff I get is resin or plastic already.

Holy pants, I have 111pts of Arcanist goodness. 83 of it is Ramos and Mei Feng compatible. I think these are going to be my masters of choice, for sure.

I'll post decent pics as I get them.


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Well I looked at your crew and read the reviews and heres where in at. I like your models they are well painted and I love the bases. I heard you bought premade bases which makes me sad, I like to see people make their own bases. As for a picture lightbox I don't know if its necessary, my models are posted here close to yours and I took pictures of them with sunlight and a backround of 2 large white pieces of paper taped together. As for not finding enough malifaux players, welcome to my nightmare. My best friend got me into the game and then pretty much quits...but @@@@ him I still force him to play with me. The malifaux group I play with is more unreliable then the weather man...ya I feel your pain. Good luck bud.


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