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As for the Corpse Counter, all living/undead leaves coprs counter. Then corpse counter can be change into body part. Mcmourning makes some body part when hittings with is scalpel and Sebastien does some if he has his trigger. And i forgot about rafkin but he is like McMourning and does get on hit.

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Just a suggestion but if you are playing rezzers and relying on Corpse counters, you're doing it wrong.

Dont think of summoning as anything more than an occasional bonus.

How dare you say I am doing it wrong, I will have you know I have played less than 10 games so I must be an expert :)

In all seriousness you are right, if I am playing with the mad doc I like to have a few bits to get a flesh construct, just for some extra muscle. With Seamus I just like to bring back my ladies to keep a small group but I have found with Nicodem I really seemed to be short and couldnt summon anything.

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Things that do not drop corpse counters (unless some other ability says they do): Nightmare, Soulless, Construct, Object, Spirit.

Quoting Ted because he's right.

Also stating that as a Resurrectionist, it's your duty to summon things.

Every master has the ability to do so,

Nicodem is focal on bringing in a constant stream of the undead. He has a powerful buff and his summon is a (1) action.

Every chance you get you should be summoning and buffing, period.

If you manif-

Kirai can summon, but being the best master of the faction, she's far less reliant on doing so.

If you manifest, don't worry about summoning.

McMourning will get overwhelmed quickly if you don't spend an occasional (0) on bringing in Constructs. He's the most straightforward of the masters because he works great running in and slashing things, which he gets BPC for anyway, and his summon is a (0) so it won't get in the way of your murdery bits.

If you manifest, you can't summon, don't worry about it.

Seamus should be summoning at least 1 Belle every 2 turns if you're planning on manifesting, because the more Lures you have going on, the more chance you have of getting into melee quickly and reducing the overall damage you'll take.

After you manifest you can't summon, so beat the crap out of everything you can!

(takemollybby and you can summon Doxies)

If you aren't manifesting, why aren't you manifesting?

Also you should be able to keep a steady stream of Belles coming in because things will eventually die to ladyscratches.

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