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Modelling question (creepy eyes).


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I may have to take pictures when i get home to make this easier to understand but ill try to describe it for now.

So I have been working on my Collodi crew and they are being based on a wooden plank stage. The "boards" are balsa wood that is broken instead of cut to give them a very rough ragged look. I noticed one of the bases had a board that was a bit short of the base edge (most of them overhang the lip slightly).

I gave this base to collodi himself and sculpted his robe out further. ultimately looks like he has a bit of a train though the intent was to make it look like the robe was sentient and crawling away. Anyway, the gap in the boards ended up under a portion of the robe that was folded upwards so was really wanting to paint under there really dark with a couple little spots of bright color to give the impression of glowing eyes if everybody ever looks at him close enough.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how to accomplish this? should i just put some green stuff deep in there to make it flat to paint on? should i try to give the back "wall" a slightly rounded shape? any suggestions would be great! thanks!

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