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The Adepticon Malifaux Terrain post


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As promised here is the a picture of nearly every table we had up at the con. We had 30 tables setup.


Please check them out and comment on them. If you want to know who did what just ask and I will try to remember who owns what boards.

Thank you to Bill Anderson, Rich Nelson, Sean Overton, David McGuire, Dennis Gunia(spelling?), James Sexton and Bret Rice for all the time and energy that went into this terrain. I got even more work all you guys for next year.

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A few of those boards look kind of quickly thrown together to me. Best ones are definitely the small village one with all the nice buildings, and the one with the green radioactive sewage or whatever. I love the sewage board, but it looks like it'd be extremely cramped to play on. How did that work out? Did it play alright? I'd like something like it myself if so!

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A few of those boards look kind of quickly thrown together to me. Best ones are definitely the small village one with all the nice buildings, and the one with the green radioactive sewage or whatever. I love the sewage board, but it looks like it'd be extremely cramped to play on. How did that work out? Did it play alright? I'd like something like it myself if so!

The sewer board was pretty cool to play on! The "buildings" were not attached and could be removed. The difficult part was the grating across the center. While you could fit a Seishin/Ht 1 model underneath there were some complications getting them in/out. The corridors were a bit narrow and you almost had to move the buildings to get them.

That being said there were some nice little touches to really bring it to life, like rats running around in the sewer water.

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I built the sewer board. Thanks for the comments. I need to figure something for moving under the grate. Maybe a pushstick or something. The reasoning for the channels being like they are is for the Supply Wagon strategy. I wanted for the wagon to be able to get to the center from any deployment zone possible and still make sense as a sewer board. So, I came up with the idea of the Malifaux crews using rafts in the channels. More of a supply raft than a supply wagon. I cut the square in the center to be the pick up point below Collette's Club.

I played a number of playtest games on it and it seems to work okay. the big guys can't go under the grate. But, I think that's okay. I understand there was some confusion over the archways. Unfortunately, people thought they were doors. Which, in an interior terrain setting, only 30mm models can go through. It was intended to be arches. They were 50mm wide so big guys could fit through. I'm sorry I didn't have a terrain sheet ready for the table which would have addressed that. But, I already have one done for next year. I'm also going to add some more details to it and maybe have some breakable walls for those big guys who dont want to waste time with walking through arches.

People should be ready for interior tables next year. There will be quite a few of them.

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People should be ready for interior tables next year. There will be quite a few of them.

I love the amount of thought/background that went into the board, it was the first board I played on and I had a lot of fun with it! The only suggestion/request I could make is to put some more touches on the building portions. Lichen, scones, stains, or graffiti. They were looking lonely.

And Nilus has promised to shanghai me to help with terrain last year if I'm not careful.

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A few of those boards look kind of quickly thrown together to me. Best ones are definitely the small village one with all the nice buildings, and the one with the green radioactive sewage or whatever. I love the sewage board, but it looks like it'd be extremely cramped to play on. How did that work out? Did it play alright? I'd like something like it myself if so!

FWIW, a few of them were quickly thrown together, such as the basic green board with the trees and house. That one was mine, it's just the basic board we use to play at home but I figured donating it was better than nothing. Mind you, I didn't expect to win any awards for awesomeness either. :P We're fairly new to miniatures gaming so we're still collecting terrain slowly (and did so at the con.)

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This was the best time ever at a big gaming event... my favorite board was one I think nilus designed..with a ton of graves and tombstones.. and I actually lured with one of my belles a withchling stalker to his 3inch fall death after red jokering a severe from his untimely decent from a bridgetop...looking froward to more good memories with good people

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This was the best time ever at a big gaming event... my favorite board was one I think nilus designed..with a ton of graves and tombstones.. and I actually lured with one of my belles a withchling stalker to his 3inch fall death after red jokering a severe from his untimely decent from a bridgetop...looking froward to more good memories with good people

Glad you liked it but I can't take the design credit. It was largely based on this board


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All the tables looked great! You guys did a real proper job! Someone started a thread stated the tables had too much terrian, but I think on some, they had too little. Everything looked great. GW terrain is so much more useful with Malifaux that Fantasy battles. The terrain is wasted on Fantasy battles. Great job guys!

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