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Lack of players?


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Hey guys, so you may have seen my convert me post - I've been converted!

I bought three starter boxes, rules manual, and some fate decks for each box set.

But... How do you guys find other players? The community here seems basically dead. Like, roadkill dead. There's a Henchman in my area that I've been talking to, and trying to arrange a demo game with to learn, but he's the only person I can find.

Do Malifaux players have any source to go to with which to find other players? This game looks so awesome... Really hope I can get playing!

Also, I am located in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada)

Edited by tremulant
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1.) Getting in contact with your henchman is clutch. They will be a good source of more people to play. Even if there aren't many more players in your area, the henchman will likely know some of them. Worst case scenario? You help the henchman get new people into it.

2.) http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?30873-Lack-of-players&p=393711#post393711 Find a player thread... can be of some use.

3.) Where are you located?

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Sorry forgot to mention that >.< I'm in Waterloo, Ontario (Canada). Edited my post.

So far my local Henchman doesn't seem to know many players. He seems to be very busy with work and doesn't get around to playing much. He mentioned he's pretty rough on the rules because of that.

Also, the link you provided goes to this thread.

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if you can keep trying to get a game or two in with your henchman, and o nce you now the rules, and have your crews painted, try to find a gaming store/club and just ask if you can run an intro night for a few weeks to try to get a few new players interested, thats what happened to me, i went into my intro game skeptical (had only played GW for 10 years or so and playing another system just seemed weird.) Now i have 15 - 20 crews, just needs some enthusiasm as you teach people and players will follow:)

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You could always come down to play my group. We are "only" 3 and a half hours away. :-\

I know. Not exactly helpful.

I'll just reiterate the previous comments about promoting the game yourself. That's how I got going. We had a very small group locally, and many of them were only slightly interested in playing. I started running more events, and playing more games, and now we have a bigger group. Still not real big, but it's progress, and we are still growing.

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malifaux is a game that's affordable enough to where you and a buddy should buy crews or you even can buy two crews. Then paint them up really nice and play whenever you get down time and you are around people who you think might be interested. You really have to create your player base sometimes.

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malifaux is a game that's affordable enough to where you and a buddy should buy crews or you even can buy two crews. Then paint them up really nice and play whenever you get down time and you are around people who you think might be interested. You really have to create your player base sometimes.

Solid advice, this. The game isn't designed as hyper-competitive, so you don't need every piece to make it an even game...

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I've set up a meeting with my local Henchman for this Wednesday - going to run a demo game, and hopefully that will go well.

There's a few game stores around here, but most of them are Warhammer focused. Even Warmachine is struggling to survive here - only one store really stocks it decently. The place I found that sells Malifaux is a new store here and is run by a bunch of younger people. And they only stock it because the Henchman bugged them to - and it's a very small amount that they carry.

Hopefully I can get something started after this demo game!

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Hey man, so my friend and i were the only 2 in my area to play malifaux for a long time. He saw the first book, thought the models looked cool and we started up with the vikkies vs pandora for ever... We played where people could see us and asked if they wanted to try it out. If you hang out and offer to play with people at game stores. The table top gamers will be sold on the mechanics and minis. Plus you point out the cheap starting costs. we have a good size group now who love the game

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