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Depends on what you are aiming for. Terror Tots have some speed options, somewhat damage options, and low cost. Youngs start getting into some more serious damage output but not much defense. Mature just has a heavy price tag for the ability to lay into a target and having some defense option. Really depends on what you are trying to do in the scenerio and what sort of meta you have.

Of the stuff I have been looking at for me the terror tots and young have been more useful. Then again our meta currently we have a solid Collodi player, a guild player who loves having 2 hounds and two cheap minions, and a resser that loves his cainine remains. So having a few more models rather than one big one have been helpful for me.

Then again I don't feel all three fullfil the same list building options. Terror Tots are low cost, possible fast, objective grabbers or support. Young is more of a glass cannon damage outputer while the Mature is your high costing model for the list.

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It really depends on a number of factors. What master are you taking? How large a game? What faction is the opponent running? What are the Strategies? Do you want to do a dedicated grow list or a more general and flexible list?

I will say that Terror Tot Nephilim are by themselves really great models. Df of 6, Scout, Wk 5, Cb of 5:masks with a Flay trigger on 1/3/4 Dg and the Sprint spell all on a Significant model makes an amazing package for just 3ss. If you just want to take a ton of Tots and out-activate most crews, that's I think a valid option. Sometimes you want a beatstick up front though, or are expecting to face a crew that lacks Livig or Undead models to draw blood from, so it's also not uncommon to take a Mature Nephilim at the start too, especially in a Zoraida list where she wants a good Obey target.

Young Nephilim are also very cost-effective, but I've never had occasion to use more than two. Usually just mature them very quickly.

Overall, it's hard to go wrong with Nephilim. I recommend experimenting with different mixes in different scenarios, and never underestimate the little ones!

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I'd rarely start with a mature in lists prefering to "grow" to them instead. A desperate merc with blood shaman will net you the ability to go directly from tot to mature in 2 actions. (you will have to "convert" the corpse counter from the merc into a blood counter using inject blood for this to work however unless you take the 4 wounds to gain an extra blood counter straight away)

Alternatively the same merc and shaman will allow you to grow 2 tots to young's in the same time. And if you convert the corpse to blood you can add a 3rd tot->young.

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What master are you taking? How large a game? What faction is the opponent running? What are the Strategies? Do you want to do a dedicated grow list or a more general and flexible list?

I'm playing Zoraida, usually 25pts. Not sure what faction, as the people I play with have pretty much everything going. I was just wondering in general, what is a better tactic.

I can see the benefits of taking a Mature Neph to use Obey on, though it is quite expensive, and its an "eggs all in one basket" kind of thing. Since you can "grow" Nephs, I was thinking it may be more cost effective and tactically variable to take Tots and then you can do what you like with them. You have the option of the Tot Swam, taking multiple objectives, etc.... you can potentially grow more than one to a Mature or several to Young to get more than you spent, depending on what happens...

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I keep meaning to look into the blood shaman more for the grow tactic. Turning two 3ss models into two 6ss models for the cost of a few actions and a Desp. Merc might be interesting.

Well in my last couple games I have been playing around with different 10ss options with Zoraida, one of which was the Mature. I have to say it did the job of tearing things apart, and its long charge range combinded with Obey caused my opponent some issues. The fact that if he was not careful with his activations he might not have the stuff to retaliate when it went in did not help.

That said if you do take the Mature I would look to have more activations if all possible. Next time I plan to take him I want to take two 3ss models and likely the I. Madness and one more model *at 25ss*. This is of course if my Strategy holds up for this list. Anyhow that way once I have my voodoo doll out I have 7 activations which will make this easier. Would not help as much against a few of the people I play, that have 9-11 models, but it is an option against certain factions.

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The big thing the BBshaman gives you is a model with "Blood Sense" that doesn't cost 13 stones as well as a graverobber that can use/convert corpse counters to blood counters which are the fuel for the nephalim engines. The downside is that since inject blood is a resisted spell the shaman can't cast it on himself to heal so you need another model in the crew to heal him when he uses his other abilities.

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