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Finally finished Sonnia Criid's crew.. now how shall I play her?


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Blast things! Shoot things! & Chop things!

I honestly find the best way to learn with any crew is to jump in and just have a lash at a game. You will lose but that is one of the best ways to learn the crew yourself. Give it half a dozen games and you will have worked out the synergies of the crew, strategies and schemes (even the ones you haven't play yet).

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Blast things! Shoot things! & Chop things!

I honestly find the best way to learn with any crew is to jump in and just have a lash at a game. You will lose but that is one of the best ways to learn the crew yourself. Give it half a dozen games and you will have worked out the synergies of the crew, strategies and schemes (even the ones you haven't play yet).

Everything said here.

On the serious side, Sonnia is a pretty versatile, adaptable master who doesn't really need a ton of synergy with her crew. I would suggest picking up a Witchling Handler if you like the stalkers to add a little bit of synergy to your crew.

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A couple suggestions I have for starting with Sonnia and her box set.

  • Put Sam Hopkins on the table and play 2-3 games with him. He may work out for you and you will probably get the high damage off a couple times. Do not get frustrated when/if he starts getting killed quickly, thats just time to take him off and move to something more resilient. Get him out of your system quickly then come back to him later if he worked well for you.
  • Blow things up. Start throwing around big big explosions of fire. This is another good thing to get out of your system in early games. Sonnia's flame blast spell is fantastic and a great spell, but is only one facet of her capabilities. Blowing up lots of stuff early on will help you focus on the other things that make her strong.
  • After your 2-3 game when blowing stuff up starts to lose a little shine, throw Sonnia straight into a melee! Go ahead, just throw her up the board and get into a fight. This is a great way to learn about her sword and how resiliant she can be.
  • After you do all of the above, you should be somewhere between 6 and 10 games. At that point, start getting down to really learning the rest of how intricate Sonnia can be.Start checking out her other abilities and working on some strategies and schemes that are not typical.

Overall, Sonnia is a fairly complex master and a whole lot of fun. I think she is probably more complex than most masters, so takes a bit to get used to. On top of that, her Flashy stuff is really a draaw, so its tough to look past it until you have used it a lot.

Oh, and take her with at least 7 soul stones in your pool. Any less and you will be crying at the start!

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