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I have used Von Schill with Perdita at 35 SS twice and i won both games. One was Shared Destroy the Evidence, the other was Line in the Sand. The mobility, survivability and combination ranged and melee combat prowess render the pair effectively unstoppable at completing objectives. With a 7-8 stone pool this leaves you with 19-20 stones to spend on models for hindering your opponent's strategy and schemes.


Like others have said, at 35 stones Henchman are viable. But at 30 they cut a lot into your stone pool. Its hard to justify them so they better be there to get your strategy done quick.

Nothing against anyone's personal play-style....but what's with all the Von Schill lately? Does anyone play Guild lists anymore?

Why is Von Schill not Guild. He is a merc that works for anyone?

Honestly competitively he adds a lot to a lot of factions. For Guild he is a very fast moving, hard to kill model.

Why is Von Schill not Guild. He is a merc that works for anyone?

Is he in the Guild section or in the Outcast section?

Just seems like he is in every list nowadays, even lists that I never thought really needed some kind of crutch.......so boring.


ya he is everywhere thought i would hop on this new trend. but relay i got a tourney coming up any am trying out not play levi and give guild a shot. its other him and perdita and a mix of both out cast and family or here and Lucius this list is just her doing her solo thing with the sport of Lucius.

Is he in the Guild section or in the Outcast section?

Just seems like he is in every list nowadays, even lists that I never thought really needed some kind of crutch.......so boring.

Competitive lists are about winning games, and the best way to do that is by using the appropriate tools for the job. The two times i played Von Schill with Perdita they were the tools best suited for holding up my opponent while easily attaining my own strategies. I think the idea that mercenaries are a crutch is erroneous. Von Schill is clearly intended to be hired by other factions.

On a side note...you got a problem with bad-ass old men? :Confused_Puppet: (I personally think hiring Von Schill as a mercenary is more inline with his fluff than hiring him in an outcast crew anyway.)

Comp(I personally think hiring Von Schill as a mercenary is more inline with his fluff than hiring him in an outcast crew anyway.)

With that said... didn't he get in a fight with (and subsiquently fired by) the govenor? I would think it against his fluff to take him with the guild...

As for me? i don't use him mostly because i am weird about hiring mercs... i really have to NEED them and not see any alternative before i'll consider picking them up... really, he's fast and shooty and hard to kill... kind of like Perditia (minus the low wound count... but the high def makes up for that... more or less...

now, with some other factiions, i see him being of bigger use... fast and survivable for the ressers, ranged and wp boosts for the neverborne and outcasts (viks really...) non magic powerhouse for the archanists... i mean... i'm not doubting he's good... just i don't like to pay the 10 ss for out of faction when for 7 or 8 i can get close enough with my own stuff..

that's just me though. =]


just i don't like to pay the 10 ss for out of faction when for 7 or 8 i can get close enough with my own stuff..

This is how I feel. If I'm not using Guild tools, why play Guild?

I didn't say it was wrong or not competitive. I said it was boring. Thank God the guys in my LGS don't do this. I'd probably quit. Aren't these games supposed to be fun? If every list has to be the most competitive, the most high-powered, the most 'smash you in the face', where did the fun go?

If it's fun for you and your friends to come up with the most uber - broketastic combos you can think of...well then good for you. It's not for me and I just like to make statements like this every now and then to remind people that you can have fun without having to smash people. That's GW and PP thinking and it's why I left them.


Jewomie and dgraz hit what I was thinking. I'm a Guild guy, through and through. I don't own any models outside the Guild. I think it's more fun and more of a challenge to not hire in a bunch of models from other factions to make my crew the "most competitive" but instead to see how competitive I can be with just my faction choices. Granted there can always be a little bit of going out of faction (i.e. - Hoffman hiring Arcanist constructs) but I try and avoid that.

I don't judge people for going out of faction, I just don't personally find it as fun.

Jewomie and dgraz hit what I was thinking. I'm a Guild guy, through and through. I don't own any models outside the Guild. I think it's more fun and more of a challenge to not hire in a bunch of models from other factions to make my crew the "most competitive" but instead to see how competitive I can be with just my faction choices. Granted there can always be a little bit of going out of faction (i.e. - Hoffman hiring Arcanist constructs) but I try and avoid that.

I don't judge people for going out of faction, I just don't personally find it as fun.

I agree with you, for sure. I don't mind at all that Rebecca takes Von Schill with viktoria. i think he's cool... he's a work horse, and he gets stuff done.. but he isn't an auto include... so it does get old when EVERY list i see has him in it.

I don't usually mind the out of faction thing when it's honestly a better call... Marcus for example... when i run him, i take Silurids because the way i play, they are just the better minion for me. but that's marcus... he was designed to be that way. The guild on the other hand is pretty self sufficient... they have an internal answer for just about everything... especially if you play all 4 masters and have the variety you need to get the job done... i see the ressers in this same light... no real need for outcasts... it may not be "fluffy" but they have their own ways to handle most things. =]

I think it's more fun and more of a challenge to not hire in a bunch of models from other factions to make my crew the "most competitive" but instead to see how competitive I can be with just my faction choices.

I don't judge people for going out of faction, I just don't personally find it as fun.

This. 100%.

Marcus for example... when i run him, i take Silurids because the way i play, they are just the better minion for me. but that's marcus... he was designed to be that way.

If Perdita is my #1 (which she is), then Marcus is my #2. And yes, it's one thing to take out of faction Beasts with Marcus since he was designed that way. I also try not to take anything other than Beasts with him (see Requirements quote above), so I lose most of his available Arcanist choices....then again, I keep seeing Marcus lists with............Von Schill.

....then again, I keep seeing Marcus lists with............Von Schill.

Wow really? that just seems like... Blasphemy... :/ bestial blasphemy...

can i say that? lol

This is how I feel. If I'm not using Guild tools, why play Guild?

So Sonnia should not hire Fire Gaiman? What about Hoffman and Arcanist constructs? Should Guild Players just burn the other 80% of the book?

Mercenaries are Guild tools, just like any other model you can take is. Whether you find it boring is your own choice. I actually find adding Mercenaries in my crew to alleviate the boredom of playing with the same models every game.

Also playing for fun is fine and dandy but rarely to people post a list on these boards and ask "Is this list fun to play". No they ask if it will win, if it will beat XYZ, if it has any cool combos. You are correct that people can have fun without smashing faces but 50% of these forums are people asking how to smash face some days and those of us who know how to do it share our strategies.


I don't want to assume what Dgraz was saying here... but the impression that i got (and my own stance) is why run guild if you're going to rely on Von Schill and his boys to get the work done. why not just run a Friekorps crew all together?

I'm not against all mercs... i just feel that +1 ss cost hinders my ability to say they are worth it over some of the models the guild already has access to.

EDIT: this is, however, in complete contradiction to the fact that i would take Sue in every single crew, every single time. If i could that is... i just think he kicks ass... ;)

I don't want to assume what Dgraz was saying here... but the impression that i got (and my own stance) is why run guild if you're going to rely on Von Schill and his boys to get the work done. why not just run a Friekorps crew all together?

To be clear I only take Von Schill, not the rest of the corp. Really you can only take two Mercenaries. I also don't rely on him any more then I do my master or any other model I bring. I rely on my crew and each member of my crew has a purpose. Sometimes I use Merc to fit some of those roles.

The reason, as I said before, is that for some Strategies Von Schill can perform certain actions that other Guild models just can't do. Now I am all for fun games and for just having a good time but really does anyone need to ask how a fun list plays.

But if we are talking grabbing objectives and winning games, Von Schill can help with that at certain point levels for certain strategies. Just like Sue can help with certain factions and Strategies. Or the Desperate Mercs can help, or Convict Gunslinger.

I play Guild because I love the Masters and I like a lot of the models. I do play competively rarely so I also consider all my options to win a game(and not just what is fun or silly or thematic)

To be clear I only take Von Schill, not the rest of the corp. Really you can only take two Mercenaries. I also don't rely on him any more then I do my master or any other model I bring. I rely on my crew and each member of my crew has a purpose. Sometimes I use Merc to fit some of those roles.

The reason, as I said before, is that for some Strategies Von Schill can perform certain actions that other Guild models just can't do. Now I am all for fun games and for just having a good time but really does anyone need to ask how a fun list plays.

But if we are talking grabbing objectives and winning games, Von Schill can help with that at certain point levels for certain strategies. Just like Sue can help with certain factions and Strategies. Or the Desperate Mercs can help, or Convict Gunslinger.

I play Guild because I love the Masters and I like a lot of the models. I do play competively rarely so I also consider all my options to win a game(and not just what is fun or silly or thematic)

I know what you're saying. trust me. =]

Though i did think if you hired Von schill, you weren't hindered by the limit 2 mercs rule... am i mistaken? i checked it out on the crew creator, and it could be a bug or something, but it let me add the whole friekorps set with a Justice crew. Thought i would ask since you brought it up.

and i'm not looking so much for silly or thematic when i build my crews... but there is an obvious need or a balance between fun and awesome... i mean, you could hand me the list for the single greatest crew in malifaux... and if it was a drag to play, i wouldn't... hence why i gave up neverborn. even on a winning streak, i just didn't feel complelled to play them any mroe. you even said yourself that you use mercs to alleviate some of the boredom of playing the same pieces all the time. So yeah, i think you do think to yourself what's "fun" in this list? albeit subconsciously maybe?

and there is no doubting the fact that Von Badass has popped up on a majority of the lists posted in the last month or two... i mean, he's everywhere. and yeah, he's awesome. i've had my face kicked in my him more than once now... but i kind of see that as a reason not to take him... not in a hipster "oh man von Schill was so two weeks ago" kind of way... but in an attempt to play the game without everyone's favorite piece and stick to the ones i enjoy playing... and that's not to say i don't build competitive lists.


Hey, like I said, I don't judge for going out of faction. I think it's fun to take Hoffman and Coppelius. I think that it can even be competitive... maybe. I think most lists can be competitive. I have seen very few lists that I look at and say to myself, "Damn son! That list can't win anything." My buddy took an all Silurids list with Marcus and beat Kirai. I have no idea how... because that list shouldn't be competitive against Kirai.

I just like to stick to my faction. Granted, I am a stubborn ass and I get real stuck in my ways.


i love to play for fun but i think its more fun to have a competative list(just for clarification i see competative as a list that can do what is need for the objetive but it's not a smash your faceing list witch is just do take everthying that you know will win you the game.) i do like playing a challenging list then i do a nonchallenging thats why after this tournament i will be playing molly.


Though i did think if you hired Von schill, you weren't hindered by the limit 2 mercs rule... am i mistaken? i checked it out on the crew creator, and it could be a bug or something, but it let me add the whole friekorps set with a Justice crew. Thought i would ask since you brought it up.

Odd, Von Schill removes the restriction on just two of a special forces group but I didn't think he removed the limit two out of faction mercenaries per crew restriction. I guess you could take Lady Justice with all Korp. Not sure why you would, but you can per the crew creator. May be a bug though :)

Posted (edited)
So Sonnia should not hire Fire Gaiman? What about Hoffman and Arcanist constructs? Should Guild Players just burn the other 80% of the book?

Mercenaries are Guild tools, just like any other model you can take is. Whether you find it boring is your own choice. I actually find adding Mercenaries in my crew to alleviate the boredom of playing with the same models every game.

Also playing for fun is fine and dandy but rarely to people post a list on these boards and ask "Is this list fun to play". No they ask if it will win, if it will beat XYZ, if it has any cool combos. You are correct that people can have fun without smashing faces but 50% of these forums are people asking how to smash face some days and those of us who know how to do it share our strategies.

If you saw my post about Marcus just a couple below the one you quoted, you'll see that I'm fine with using things that are designed for certain masters....like the fire gamin with Sonnia.

I did mention that it was a personal choice for me and that if people wanted to play competitively that that was their choice. I may have gone off on a bit of a tangent with my following posts, but my main question was 'what's with all the Von Schill lately? he is everywhere.

I must admit that I'm a little confused by the argumentative tone. I apologize if my advocating fun play over competitive play by stating what I like to play and why.....somehow offended you?

Edited by dgraz
Odd, Von Schill removes the restriction on just two of a special forces group but I didn't think he removed the limit two out of faction mercenaries per crew restriction. I guess you could take Lady Justice with all Korp. Not sure why you would, but you can per the crew creator. May be a bug though :)

I don't think that is a bug with the crew creator as much as a glitch in the rules.

I must admit that I'm a little confused by the argumentative tone. I apologize if my advocating fun play over competitive play by stating what I like to play and why.....somehow offended you?

Sorry I was just cranky today. Didn't mean to get all bitchy in the thread.

I promise to be nicer if you promise to keep playing even if one of your local players starts whipping out Von Schill.

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