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What Paint(s) do you use- 2012 Edition


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Which brings up a good question, has anyone had luck with non-modeling-specific paints? I grabbed a couple bottles at the arts & crafts store last time I was there but haven't actually tried them yet.
I regularly use Liquitex brand paints and mixing medium. It's a medium-viscosity artists' acrylic. (Payne's Grey is the best color for an overall wash.)
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I went with cheaper brand of paint call FolkArt I found at Wal-Mart. These paints are thick so you have use a little water to thin them out. They are also heavily pigmented so the make good inks. I know there better paints then what i'm using now but if you have money issue FolkArt are paints i go with

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  • 2 weeks later...
Still rockin' the Apple Barrel's from Walmart :)

Which brings up a good question, has anyone had luck with non-modeling-specific paints? I grabbed a couple bottles at the arts & crafts store last time I was there but haven't actually tried them yet.

Sorry for the thread'omancy. I don't visit nearly as often as a I used to. Well, I've been using these cheap'o paints for years now, because I found my results weren't any better/worse than when I was using the expensive GW paints. My attitude is - if I'm doing just as well with the cheap stuff, why would I buy something more expensive???

As for having "luck" with these cheap paints, I'd say I've been doing pretty well with them. I got "Best of Wyrd" in the 2009 Rotten Harvest painting competition with the following, and I used strictly the Apple Barrel paints:


Sure, it's not perfect, but based on my experiences and technique...it wouldn't have looked any better had a I been using a more expensive brand of paint such as GW.

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