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My first crew (McMourning)

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Just thought I'd share my first bit of a collection. I've only played two games with it, and am pretty sure I'm still playing a number of rules wrong, but I'm still loving the game, and buying/trading way more than I probably should.

I wrote a bit more on my blog, but for those of you just interested in pics, I re-posted them below. I'm not sure why they're appearing so large, so if anyone knows how to resize them here, I'd appreciate it.






I've finished some Guild Autopsies, but haven't based them, then I'm looking at possibly doing a Leveticus crew.

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Very nice. One of the nicest mcmourning crews I've seen :D I did something incredibly similar, but didnt think I could pull off the turquoise gloves, which you did gorgeously :)

As for resizing, open them in paint, click resize, and put 25% or whatever in the box. Makes it take up less space, so mods dont get annoyed, but more importantly, they upload 16x as quick :D

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Yeah, it's a pretty standard color scheme-- Wyrd's one of the first companies where I don't often feel I can improve on their color schemes.

Thanks, re: the turquoise-- it doesn't fit the time period, but reads much stronger. I can't remember how I mixed it, though, so I'm worried about any more medical-themed minis...

Re: resizing, I meant on the forums-- I uploaded these for my blog, which auto-resized them, and was looking for a %scale or something like that here...

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I've already gotten a set of guild autopsies done (and their living counterparts done at the same time, to match) and intend to do the same with Justice/Dead Justice. I tried out a belle and some crooked men and liked how they handled, so may paint them, too.

After that, I'm not sure-- I've recently traded for a ton of Malifaux minis, so potential crews include any of the construct masters, and bits and pieces of other stuff.

From my two games, I was feeling sort of like I didn't have a serious punch to my crew. Any suggestions on what would be the best? I have a Desolation Engine and a Dead Rider waiting for paint, I forget what else.

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AI haven't seen people ever take the desolation engine without Leveticus... but hey, maybe you're on to something there.

As for the dead rider, from what i gather, he is the punch you're looking for. already put my order in for him along with the rest of McMourning's good stuff. :D

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Okay, thanks. I guess this thread will probably walk the line of painting and gaming, so, for my current list, it would look something like:

Mcmourning + 6

-Zombie Chuhuahua 2

Sebastian 6

Rotten Belle 4

Crooked Man 4

Dead Rider 10

Flesh Construct 7 ---possibly replace for something cheaper? Maybe a punk zombie?

3 soulstones remaining @30 points

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Quick note on the tuqoise gloves: Malifaux takes place at around current day so the turqoise gloves are perfectly fine. As for bringing a punk zombie with a list? They better to summon in than pay for IMO.

Does it? haha I had no idea. Well, its definitely agreed the gloves look bloody gorgeous.

Mcm can't summon punk zombies, but yeah, I think they're a tad expensive at 5pts with mcmourning, as I feel he gets a lot of use out of belles. Rotten belles are dirt cheap, and can lure the right models close enough to the doc himself, or a flesh construct to get the most out of their actions. I'd consider taking one punk, mainly because of their ridiculous severe damage, and how good flurry is with them, but you need to lure some stuff close to them to get flurry off. Otherwise, I feel they die a bit too quickly :(

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