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Speed painted Seamus crew!


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Just wanted to show the Seamus box which i did in a couple of hours, plus convict gunslinger.

So speed painting is not something that really is needed for a skrimish game like Malifaux where the model count is very low. But not everyone is fond of painting (altough I am...) and you might want to knock together an extra crew in no time just to have something else to play with. If so this might interest you.

So goals was to use only black, grey and white colours and washes,, so a very limited range of colours would be needed. And of course to produce a decent looking crew for the tabletop in very short time.

So basically the model is first primed black. Then drybrushed with Adeptus battlegrey -> Codex grey -> Astronomican grey -> Skull white. Then I used citadel wahes to colour the model, just a thin layer, not a heavy wash. Finally a light drybrush of white on carefully chosen areas.

Here we go:

Group shot












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Clean, very unique paint job with a dark macabre look; just don't think it’s for me.

If I may ask how fast was this done?

Maybe 4-4,5 hours with basing. But I am sure you can do it faster.

Yeah, this is not how I normally paint, but it's fun to try new things. Don't think this style would fit all models but for ressurectionists I think its fitting.

---------- Post added at 06:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 PM ----------

Very nice indeed.. would be nice to see the stuff youv taken your time on too.

Totally imagine trying this style the night before a tourny.. we've all been there :)

My Raspy crew would be a step up, both in time and quality. Link:


But for the moment I am working on Ortegas with Sue, for those guys I aim for a high quality. So might post a thread for those when I am finished.

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This is pretty damn awesome, especially for black white grey and wash... I might try doing a crew like this.

A couple of tips if you want to try it.

First layer with Adeptus battlegrey is more like a heavy overbrush then a drybrush just leaving a little black in the deepest recesses. Next step with Codex grey should be a rather heavy drybrush but not as heavy as the first. Then gradually lighter with Astronomican grey and Skull white.

Also all parts on the model should not be equally drybrushed, and this is the key. For example the skin should be mostly white and light grey before applying the wash. While darker cloth like the blue dress should be drybrushed more sparingly with light grey and white.

Also just paint on a thin layer of wash otherwise you will erase the highlights/shading from the drybrushing.

Last but not least, VERY lightly drybrush carefully chosen areas with skull white, be careful not to overdo this step.

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A couple of tips if you want to try it.

First layer with Adeptus battlegrey is more like a heavy overbrush then a drybrush just leaving a little black in the deepest recesses. Next step with Codex grey should be a rather heavy drybrush but not as heavy as the first. Then gradually lighter with Astronomican grey and Skull white.

Also all parts on the model should not be equally drybrushed, and this is the key. For example the skin should be mostly white and light grey before applying the wash. While darker cloth like the blue dress should be drybrushed more sparingly with light grey and white.

Also just paint on a thin layer of wash otherwise you will erase the highlights/shading from the drybrushing.

Last but not least, VERY lightly drybrush carefully chosen areas with skull white, be careful not to overdo this step.

I figured it there would be a lot of grey brushed on. What do you think about priming black, then doing a second layer of grey spray primer, lighter and not covering as much space?

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Geez, you are making us crappy speedpainters look bad man. Just joking ,but seriously thats high-grade speed painting if I ever saw some.

Thanks! :)

---------- Post added at 07:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:27 PM ----------

i think i might have to try this too,

Are there any washes that dont work very well?

I have only tried GW washes and they work good.

Even Badab black is useful. I use it for metal parts, for example the gunslinger's pistols.

I would be a bit careful with Devlan mud as it is rather dark, but if you want a dark brown its OK too.

But as I said, key is just to paint on a thin layer with wash and not apply too much.

---------- Post added at 07:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ----------

I figured it there would be a lot of grey brushed on. What do you think about priming black, then doing a second layer of grey spray primer, lighter and not covering as much space?

I think it sounds like it would work.

Maybe you could skip the first step with Adeptus battlegrey (dark grey) without affecting the end result too much also. That is if you want to cut down on the steps even more.

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