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Warmachine Game

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Why? Its not like they don't have several games already out there. Of course most of them are terrible but Dawn Of War was good.

Blood Bowl was good for what it was- a repro of the board game. Sadly, I think people were expecting Mutant League Football.

It's as Chocobo said- GW is used to being the only miniature game company with IP in the PC (edit: um, and console) game realm. Unless this is absolutely awful, they won't have that anymore.

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Blood Bowl was good for what it was- a repro of the board game. Sadly, I think people were expecting Mutant League Football.

It's as Chocobo said- GW is used to being the only miniature game company with IP in the PC (edit: um, and console) game realm. Unless this is absolutely awful, they won't have that anymore.

Not that GW even acknowledges they have any competition. Hence why they're screwing up as a company.

I've still got hopes for this game, but here's hoping that it shows up at some point in time.

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The game looks interesting. I am guessing its a 3rd person action RPG. Which works. I hope there are more then just the 4 casters in the game.

Anyone else think the soundtrack for the trailer is all wrong?

The sound track is growing on me. Only four factions, so it looks like it's only playable Charactor at the moment. I do hope there is customisable colours and battle group for multiplayer

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