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Beginner with Freikorps !


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I would recommend getting the original Viktorias, you can get them as singles, they look less like Jedwood, and they have that nifty slowly walking toward you like they are going to wreck your day, rather than looking like lost glamour models~

I have to say though, that at 3ss I'm not sure the Student of Conflict is really bringing you enough bang for your buck; but yes, he is the totem of choice. It's that or the Hodgepodge Effigy, which is -very- expensive and can't cast spells. But hey, it's not terrible, and it's very cute =3

Edit: http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Student+of+Conflict might be helpful in placing those 3ss or not

Edited by Spiku
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Mercenary models can be hired by anyone for the cost of 1 additional SS.

This is sort of true, but there are plenty of Masters who can't hire Mercenaries except of specific types. Som'er is a good example: he can only hire Gremlins, Pigs and Vermin (in Scraps), so he can't hire Von Schill because he's not a Gremlin, Pig or Vermin. Have a look at McTavish in Book 3 for comparison - he's a Mercenary who has a special rule to allow Gremlin-led crews to hire him. Leveticus also can't hire Von Schill, because he's not a Construct, Undead or Soulless model.

Outside of the Outcasts, though, I can't think of anyone else who can't hire Von Schill offhand. He's basically an excellent support piece for any crew.

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Picking Von Schill as my starting leader was based on:

  • Pretty straightforward gamestyle (Good for a newb like me)
  • I get a reason to buy every Outcast member he can be fitted with.
  • He and his mercenaries will be of further use when I get my second gang.

Besides, I love him! And I do belive I can adjust my gang enough to give every opponent a good match. No easy victories to be gained! If you don't agree please tell me I'm wrong :)

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Those are all excellent reasons to choose Von Schill.

The only seriously bad match-up that I've played with the Freikorps was against Leveticus. I didn't really know what Levi could do at the time (it was the first time I'd played against him with any crew) but man, that guy can just rip the Freikorps apart. All that neat armour you pay for doesn't count for squat when everything's doing Wds or sacrificing you outright.

I've actually found that Von Schill vs Lucius is a fantastic introduction to the game. I've introduced a few people to it that way, and it's always a decent close game, even for total newcomers.

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Thx for the replies!

I will add:

Hans (Awesome heavy-hitting sniper)

Ronin * 2 (Great for jumping leaders/heavy hitters)

Hamelin (Gamechanging abilities)

Freikorps trapper (Double trappers is double fun)

and the Victorias when the new models get out.

This together with the crew I have will allow me to switch things up depending on scenario and opponent.

What totem should I get? The way I see it The student of conflict will boost Von Schill best?

The Ronin come in a pack of 3.

The Student of Conflict is the most popular choice, but I've found limited use with him.

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Tomorrow I will play against two guys who have the Perdita Ortegas and Ophelia Lacroix crews. Considering it will be 25 point games. What should I bring to the table?

As mentioned earlier I have Von Schill



Freikorps trapper

Freikorps librarian

Freikorps Specialist

Taelor, Lady hammer

Convict gunslinger

I do know that the crews are identical. But not what they least of all want to see me field :D

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The Ophelia and Perdita play quite different to me; also are they just using the starting box? Let's hope so; if Ophelia is dropping Pere and Francois for Young LaCroix n slop hauler then it wont be as funny. Freikorps already ignore one of the family/kin members entirely, as loco/pere can't do any of their best effects.

you really want double trapper/specialist for screwing over the 4wp/ranged LaCroix crew. Taelor won't be so much use; her Menace -would- be great vs the gremlins, but the range is so short that you are unlikely to get it, and she'll make a perfect target for Ophelia, or Ophelia pulling Rami into range so they can fire 3 shots, or a focused shot, with double damage right at her and pop her in one shot. If you ARE stuck for points, grab the librarian because gremlins are Wp 4, apart from slop hauler at 5.

Take your full Soulstone cache, because Von Schill dances all over the Gremlins, so long as your slow to die is healing flip!

Ideally you want to make sure Rami, the sniper Gremlin, has fired a shot and taken some damage before you get your Trapper ready to kill him. If you can't kill him in one shot, he will kill you. If your opponent doesn't have a slop hauler (aoe healer), then you have as good as won anyway, because the gremlins will be killing themselves.

However, you don't want wp targeting things vs the Ortegas, if your opponents are good, you'll be playing a fairly different game vs both.

Your priority will be Rami, the sniper if he has a healer, and probably if he doesn't!

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The player with Perdita has starting box.

The LaCroix player has the So'mer box aswell.

After reading the books twice and getting a better understanding of the game i get it that both crews are very deadly. And their key heavy hitters needs to get dealt with swiftly.

My main idea is to hit move in position turn 1.

Hit and run turn 2.

Gather crew turn 3 while keeping them barely out of reach from me.

and try to get initiative turn 4 to weaken their alpha strikes.

All I really need to do now is play and gain experience. Thanks for all the help guys!

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Ideally what you want is to set the trapper up inside some terrain, and keep him passing until he can shoot Rami (the sniper); then use his free 3" push to push him OUT of the terrain; because you can't shoot through terrain, just "into" it.

Be very, very aware of the fact that Ophelia can pull Rami 8 inches to her; so at any moment she could activate with him, pull him out, and shoot you, before hiding again ;D It's very hard for you to hit and run, because gremlins are stronger at hit n run; but you'll play and see, so best of luck ;3

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