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Soulstone miner proxy? Or alt model


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Hi all. Wanting to pick up a soulstone miner for my ramos crew, just because I love the fluff and think it fits perfectly with ramos :P

But, I'm not a massive fan of the model. Looks like a big metal worm. Too sci-fi IMO, not steampunky or wild westy enough for me.

So, anyone have any ideas for proxies? Or ideas for making an alt version? It has a 40mm base, so there's a lot of room for the model,

I was thinking something similar to the union miner, but obviously, thats a unit in itself now. Maybe a bigger, robotic miner? dual pickaxes maybe? :P Dungarees, hard hat, terminator face.

Throw a few ideas at me, I'd rather spend a few nights making something original and awesome than buy something not quite good enough from reaper :L

Thanks :)

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I would wait until the Union Miner miniature is released (human with pickaxe and hard hat with light.) buy 2 of them and a 40mm base and start your work from there. It would be unique, visually it would fit the theme of the army, and IIRC it would be legal for official events.

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