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Replacement Cards


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So I ended up moving across country, and am now a denizen of the East Coast! (hello fellow Delawarians or Delawarites, or whatever you choose to call yourselves lol).

During the move, I somehow lost all my Malifaux cards. This doesn't seem to be a problem - I merely had one Leveticus starter set. Looking around, I see that the Tabletopgeeks site contains .pdf's for the v2 characters, so that seemed to be a solution. And it would be... except that the Steampunk Abomination seems to be missing from the .pdf on that site.

Seeing as how the Abominations are pretty much essential for Leveticus, I and hoping that someone can give me some advice on how to replace it. Thanks in advance guys!

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My guess is that the Steampunk Abominations never had a v2 card as they didn't need any changes.

You can order cards off the Wyrd website, unfortunately it can be a bit expensive postagewise if you just order cards. But stick a couple of extra models in and it's not too bad.

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Bah - oh well. If I just order the replacements for my whole starter set from the Wyrd store, will they be the v2 cards? Or to get those, will I have to actually print them off from Tabletopgeeks

Yeah, they'll be the most recent version of the cards, so you don't need to worry about that.

And for future reference, the official Malifaux website has pdfs of the V2 cards as well, under the downloads section.

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