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Best master / list for multi-week event


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So, one thing that seems to be in Malifaux's design is the ability to swap casters to meet the needs of the scenario & opponent. Flexibility & adaptation are part of playing the game.

But, at my FLGS, the henchman there is trying out something different -- a "learning league" meant to help a bunch of us new players get into the game. The game's just getting off the ground in the store, and many people have only invested in limited masters / models (i.e. one box, a couple blisters), so the "league" will have somewhat restrictive rules: 25ss, one master & list used throughout. It is, I think, to prevent some folks from "tailoring" lists while others lack the resources to do so and thus lose not because they're bad players, but constantly suffering bad matchups.

I'm one of those noobs. I have two games under my belt :). But, Christmastime allowed me to buy rather heavily into the Arcanists anyway. I actually have four of the masters -- Ramos, Kaeris, Rasputina, and Colette -- and three of them will be ready for potential use in the league (Colette is more of an art project right now and won't be done in time). I'm trying to devise a rounded 25ss list with one of them that will be able to play a variety of scenarios and schemes. Here's the schedule:

WEEK 1 -- Shared Plant Evidence, standard deployment, Shared Distract [declared]

WEEK 2 -- Shared Destroy Evidence, corner deployment, Shared Kill Protege [declared]

WEEK 3 -- Shared Escape and Survive, diagonal deployment, Shared Breakthrough [declared]

Ramos is the one Master I have games with, but he seems far too slow for many of these and brings too many insignificant models. I'm thinking Rasputina may be my best option. I also like the Kaeris box, in theory. But I just don't know for sure. Would something like this be a good 'all comers' list?

Rasputina [6ss pool]

--Essence of Power


--Silent One

--Ice gamin

Opinions appreciated.

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It would depend on how you play her. If you want to be aggresive with her and put her into the fray yes but if you use her as more a 2nd wave (counter charge) model not that much.

With 3ss you probably would not want to go ss user hunting you would be more apt to take on things that can't get their duel totals up very high.

The best thing about her however is one of her main ways of damaging stuff doesn't have a resistance total so you wouldn't have to worry off making it a high total just high enough of getting the cast off (I'm mentioning about the spell accelerant) after you spend 1 or 2 ap shooting stuff to spread around burning counters first.

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Got a chance to use the Joss list last night.

(1) I did feel light on Soulstones, especially late in the game when I really wanted to Immolate things. 3ss may not be enough.

(2) At 25ss, there are fewer models on the opponent's side, and so the third Gamin felt a bit superfluous.

(3) Joss seemed to die easily. He certainly didn't kill his points cost before he died (to be fair, I didn't pop Armor when I should have, given the circumstances).

I think I'm definitely going Kaeris for this thing, though. I'm toying with three possible tweaks.

Kaeris [5ss pool]

Fire Gamin x2

Gunsmith x2

Large Steampunk Arachnid


Kaeris [5ss pool]

Fire Gamin x3


Renagade Steamfitter Johan


Kaeris [4ss pool]

Fire Gamin x2

Gunsmith x2

Soulstone Miner [which I'd need to purchase]

Building a multiweek, all-comers list for Malifaux is proving to be trickier than I thought.

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I can't really comment on the crews (I don't run Arcanists), but I can give you this advice: these Strategies beg faster movement... getting to the objectives to gain the points. So the more models you can put on the board the better. Arcanists tend to be slower, so if you put more models out you will have more survive to take care of the objectives.

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Thanks for the feedbacks.

@TheOneWhoFell: I agree. 5 models plus Master seems to be the best I can manage and still have a competitive list at the 25ss level. I could do Ramos and 8 Steampunk Arachnids, but they're all Insignificant ...

@Guild Monkee: Yeah, I'm liking the SSMiner more and more as I think about it. Especially in light of TheOneWhoFell's point above: burrowing will allow it to get further without taking damage. It could definitely be my go-to objective model.

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The SS Miner is a solid choice. It can be an objective grabber if it needs to be, just be mindful that it's insignificant on the turn it surfaces. For many games though, I'm liking overdrive and smashing something's face in with it.

I've been toying with 25ss lists lately too and arcanists seem to face some really tough choices at this ss value. I'm thinking of trying out this kind of list for Ramos personally:



Mobile Toolkit

SS Miner

SS Miner

Kaeris or Mechanical Rider

I've played similar lists and they take some getting used to, but have great capabilities.

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LOL, W/Mechanical Rider, I think that's the most expensive Ramos list you can field at the 25ss level.

I need to get Mechanical Rider someday ...

Yup. Model count is painfully low, and it's topheavy to say the least. aRamos can get you back into the game though by making more stuff, tanking, and beating stuff down- he carries most of the load in the list.

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Yup. Model count is painfully low, and it's topheavy to say the least. aRamos can get you back into the game though by making more stuff, tanking, and beating stuff down- he carries most of the load in the list.

Actually, I just meant in terms of $$$$. Mech Rider, aRamos, and 2 SS Miners make that one pricey list. :)

I am committed to the Kaeris list w/ the Soulstone Miner. Purchased the Miner yesterday, and he's already glued up. I shall let Kaeris be my Malifaux tutor.

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