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Thanks for the welcome. The background certainly grabbed my attention, but it was the price that was the deciding factor. I always had an interest in miniature gaming, but could never afford it. I've purchased the Pandora and Dreamer box sets and have to say I prefer Pandora.

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Welcome. Miniature painting and modeling is a very rewarding hobby, I doubt you will have any regrets. It will seem a little expensive at first as you start to gather your tools (paints, brushes, pin vise, etc.) but after the initial start up cost (which you'll have in any hobby) it's pretty much just getting new models and books.

And don't be intimidated by painting at first. it can seem a little daunting, but the best way to improve is by painting. You'll see improvements in your skill level faster than you might think. And as Fell pointed out, there are a lot of people on these forums that are only too happy to help a person out. In fact this is the most friendly and helpful modeling forum I've ever encountered, it's a pleasure to be a part of it. Best of luck and have loadfs of fun!

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