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Death Valley Board (WIP, image heavy)


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Very nice!

Did you get any warpage from the wallpaper? I did on my last board but I only used 3/4" MDF.


A little bit at an edge, but...in turn I turned that edge into the rocky formation area with the undergrowth. It covered it up nicely. Another area I gained an air bubble in, but a knife slice took it out and a hill side went over it.

So, my son loved it. I believe his quote was, "No freakin" way! No freakin' way!" I have some Christmas pictures to put up in a bit. Reactions and such.

Plus we've just finished gluing and some basing of his new Malifaux Crew; C. Hoffman with a Peacekeeper and Attendant added in for extra support. Gotta say, that-that Peacekeeper was a pain to get together (bloody wonky arms...heh). But all 'n all, I'm glad he liked his gifts.

Thanks to everyone here for your comments and support. And thank you Malifaux Developers for making a fantastic game that my son and I will share for years to come. This Monday will be my Viks vs. his Constructs to kick off 2012 in our home.

Happy Holidays and New Years to all.

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