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Standard Terrain sizes




inspired me to ask...

are there standardized terrain dimensions?

back in my Warmachine days, there were stock templates of all the major terrain types (especially ones that were moved/generated by models, like walls)

but I don't recall ever seeing that kind of table-build mechanic in other games...

me, personally, i favor "realistic" ... massive forests, large buildings, long walls...

but then, my battle fields tend to favor one style of aggression over another because of this...

and I've even played those games where we said "if it ain't terrain, it's forest" just for the challenge...

what about y'all ... do you limit forests to 3x5 slots, or 6x8, or specific templates?

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our LGS uses ovalsish shapes that range from a 3 inch circles, to 4x8, to 5x6 for forests, and a couple hills that are up to 8 inch circles.

Lots of building structures 3-4 by 5-6 inches. I've also added a lot of little crates 1x1x2-3 inches which get stacked and piles next to building and a couple wagons. Plus the usual wall sections/linear obstacles. Some 2 inch tall that usually make a cemetery. We've also made house rules for free standing trees, the tree itself is solid, and the base its on is clear to see threw, but if on the base you get soft cover.

For our LGS a "forest" should be a patch of trees. Not really a full forests.

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All the special terrain pieces have the sizes mentioned though. That helps a lot with some other pieces.

I agree though that forests, lakes and waterways should be big enough to make influence on the battlefield (wide enough so the models cannot cross them in one turn etc).

As for Walls and Buildings, whatever fits the scenery. All sizes are really possible and as long as we keep swapping them from game to game, I don't think it gives anyone unfair advantage.

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