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Totally new. Just started playing.

Howlin' Johnny

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Hi guys. New player here.

I played a demo game with a friend and I think I'm gonna run with Seamus.

I bought the Seamus boxed set with Belles and the Nicoderm box. Is there a decent list in here somewhere using both sets?

Should I be looking to invest in other stuff like the Convict GS?? Ive heard good things about him?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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Congratulations on choosign the resser path. yes decent list can be made from both of those box sets for both masters. Some first purchases would be a convict gunslinger. Long range firepower is very nice to add. Then I would suggest grabbing a flesh construct and a blister of mindless zombies. He really ups the power of nico basic box.

Some base ideas. 2 punk zombies and a Belle are a good starting point for both masters list regardless of strategy. The base nico box lacks movement and board control but excels at damage dealing, and the base seamus box lacks damage dealing but excels at movement and board control.

You really couldn't at least in my eyes have picked better boxes to start the game with.

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Welcome to Ressurectionists! Here is a link to guide early purchases. You might, in particular, want to look at "The Origonal 3 Bundle Pack"


In your case, I'd focus on getting a Grave Spirit next (since it works well with both masters) and deciding which master you want to focus on first. Nicodem is going to suffer a bit until you get a pack of Mindless Zombies and a Grave Spirit, at least.

You can make some excellent lists using those box sets, however!

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Nicodem, The Undertaker
3 Pool

Grave Spirit [1ss]

  • Mortimer, The Gravedigger

  • Punk Zombie

  • Punk Zombie

  • Punk Zombie

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

This list will serve you well starting out. It's a standard block, and you can remove one of the minions to get more SS if you feel you need it.

Ressurectionists Crew - 35 - Scrap

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter
8 Pool

Grave Spirit [1ss]

  • Madame Sybelle

  • Punk Zombie

  • Punk Zombie

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

A similar list for Seamus that trades some punch for a lot of mobility and 8ss. Maybe throw in another Punk Zombie if you feel you don't need the ss.

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i'd almost suggest getting a pack of necropunks aswell. They're pretty good utility all-around objective grabbers, can be useful for any master (kirai aside) to fill that role. Eventually you very well may want to grab night terrors and maybe even crooligans. But to start its a decent pick up aswell as malifaux is all about mobility I'd say. Sybelle's bell slingshot is good for treasure hunt, but I dont know if it'd be enough for other mobility strategies


that said, You can mix mash any of the models between to good effect. To start im sure most opponents would mind you using proxies for mindless zombies (just print out the V2 cards for them)

After you've had a few games you can pretty much add any old undead model you like, both masters are pretty amendable to most resser models I'd say.

Play with models you like the look of i always say, If i like my models win or lose im happier I find.

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i'd almost suggest getting a pack of necropunks aswell. They're pretty good utility all-around objective grabbers, can be useful for any master (kirai aside) to fill that role. Eventually you very well may want to grab night terrors and maybe even crooligans.

Compared to Night Terrors and Crooligans, Necropunks are a waste of stones for everyone except Nicodem, and then only because they provide cheap Corpse Counters and help with activation control.

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I only like to take 2-3 belles with seamus. I find more tend to gimp you hard on damage. Some people cry that seamus works best with belles & you should only use belles. Don't listen to them do what is best for you & find your own playstyle.

One of the main reasons running mass belles doesn't work is "Immune to Influence" so your spells just don't work. It's not too prevalent but one model can ruin your whole game.

Since you do have Nico's box & thus punk zombies try running teams. Take 2 belles & 2 punks. Use them as two teams of two. The belle lures in & lowers Df, then the punk tears it apart.

Also don't doubt the power of seamus' Undead Psychosis spell. Easily one of the best in the game.

As for Nico you will want to start out by generating some corpse counters to turn into mindless zombies for defense.

I don't want to write a full tactica but if you want help just message me & I can talk you through some things, I have been playing the ressies for over 2 years now & have taken quite an unorthodox approach to them.

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