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Eden and the Resistance

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Unlike Kingdom Death, I've been keeping my eye on Taban Miniatures' game Eden, and have come close to buying many of their models. That resistance ended with the release of.. the Resistance.

For the best pics of both artwork and minis: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/414057.page

The minis for this game are top notch, and the setting seems quite cool too. However, the game looks rather odd. While I believe it's a relatively new game, the layout and quality in design doesn't seem to match their models. I mean I swear that they have used a screenshot from Fallout 3 for one of their strategy cards. Plus, the usual problem of finding people willing to give it a try (since no one is likely playing it already).

Needless to say that despite my reservations concerning the actual game, I couldn't resist their latest faction and I think I may take the plunge soon enough.

Let me know what you think of Eden, and if you have any experience with it.

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Played a first game of this a couple of weeks ago. You're right, the production values as far as the rulebook & tokens etc probably need a little work, but the minis are nice and the setting pretty cool. I'm playing through Fallout 3 at the moment and the similarities are striking.

Gameplay-wise, it's different and fun. There's nowhere near the scope and detail of Malifaux, but after 1 game I can see it being good for a lighter, less involved side game for me.


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Don't think I'll regret buying the limited set (loving the Wall-E/Johnny 5 LE mini). Jimmy and Freedom (the boy and the drone) are just awesome, the whole set shows the apocolypse at its best.

Haven't seen the Dwarf before, think he comes with the special release of their board game stet "Escape" (don't know if he's LE or not), though there's currently only the French version. Would like to get my hands on him though as in game I'd rather have him than Courtney (big gun), as I'm less a fan of how she turned out.

I think I have a good chance of getting some games in the future as I also love the ISC models, which not only fit the Resistance thematically but are the faction most likely to attract my brother (he loves his orientel drones).

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