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Is there any way to give Levi armour?


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Sure, he can get to the opponents deployment zone with 3 models, which can have fast and melee expert in the one activation. They will have to appear in base contact with him, so probably spend the fast move getting into melee with an opponent (Even if the first doesn't have to, all the others will probably have to) We're down to 7 marionette attacks (maybe 8 if you're lucky with opponets placement and Terrain) and 3 wicked doll attacks.

You've got 2 more fast wicked dolls who can each get 2 attacks for the next 2 activations.

Its good, but not game ending. Unless you're against Leveticus, who relies on hiding stuff to keep alive. And even then you've put 24pts in your opponents face ready for him to kill it during the turn.

Just as a personal suggestion, for the marionettes left behind, don't pass - move them 5" towards where you intend to end Collodi. Might get them close enough to help next time. Or move them to a safe point

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Well all I can say is that LCB and Collodi against Levi may as well be an auto-kill of Levi. Unless you flip the worst cards ever, and have a rubbish hand. And that is within 2 turns, without even trying.

I've played this through a few times with Magicpockets, Levi was dead on turn 2 in all 3. Now, without LCB I could see it being a bit harder, until you factor in Wicked Dolls (which I don't own).

Basic list


2x Daydreams


4x Marrionettes

in a 35ss games, this leave you with 15ss to add in whatever models you need to either kill more, or take objectives. 3 Stitched, a pair of twins, 5 Night Terrors.

Unless Levi is taking a lot of defensive stuff (2 Guardians, Grave Spirit, Collodi) I can't see Levi surviving past turn 3 at best. And even then, you are spending the majority of your soulstones keeping 1 model alive, and the majority of your activations. So unless you are playing Claim Jump with Bodyguard and Frame For Murder (or something similiar) you're not going to be getting a good win (if you get a win at all).

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Sure, he can get to the opponents deployment zone with 3 models, which can have fast and melee expert in the one activation. They will have to appear in base contact with him, so probably spend the fast move getting into melee with an opponent (Even if the first doesn't have to, all the others will probably have to) We're down to 7 marionette attacks (maybe 8 if you're lucky with opponets placement and Terrain) and 3 wicked doll attacks.

You've got 2 more fast wicked dolls who can each get 2 attacks for the next 2 activations.

Just as a personal suggestion, for the marionettes left behind, don't pass - move them 5" towards where you intend to end Collodi. Might get them close enough to help next time. Or move them to a safe point

Ya, the positioning can be dicey, and you MAY have to spend an AP to move with the Marionettes. The Wicked Dolls, on the other hand, do not have to move into base with Collodi, only within 2", so that leaves a lot more range to hit things with. The key is to place Collodi in a position where BtB Marionettes, and 2" away Wicked Dolls can all hit stuff.

As far as moving them after Pull Strings, that is a great idea. With that you can guarantee that only one Marionette will be left behind.

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