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Finally got in my first DEMO!


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Was introduced to Malifaux a couple months back but with work, life and Warmachine I haven't had any time... Until today.

A buddy picked up a bunch of factions and has been demo'ing the game. He played Gremlins and I picked Sonnia Criid; These are the box sets.

Anyway, I was a bit put off by the mechanics despite being a former Confrontation player but about halfway through the game I started really enjoying the complexities and layers afforded by the card system and combo of abilities, modifiers etc...

What a welcome change NOT to throw dice for an entire game!

I really enjoyed myself. Laughed, hooted and just had a good time that was very laid back and .... well just fun!

I am definitely hooked.

So a couple questions; Abilities like Reckless, does that have to be declared at the start of the activation or can you say, fire a shot then declare Reckless for the extra action?

In regards to Sonnia Criid; Is she considered a higher tier Master or middling? I guess I'm asking because her defense seemed low and I was surprised to see I had to burn a stone to gain the "book" suit icon for a turn so I can cast some of her spells. Until I hit with Flame Burst(?) and did some serious damage?

I'm fairly set on a Guild faction to start and am thinking Ortegas for the spaghetti western feel. I want heavy shooting but like the magic aspect as well so would Sonia or Lady Justice do?

Anyway, glad to be here, finally.

Eric J

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Glad to see another converted to Malifaux.

Reckless can be used whenever, it is just like a free action you can declare at any point in that models activation.

As for Sonnia, I would say she is rather middle of the road but I'm sure some guild players could give you more advice. Ortegas are a great crew for beginners, but the great thing about guild is that you can mix and match just about all of the guild range with any of the three female masters. So really its about picking the master you like best and building from there. Don't get Hung up on the starter boxes, they are a core and are based around the fluff for each master. Most of the time the models in the starters are great for that master, but in most cases there is much much more for.them to use, especially with guild.

Hope this helps a little.

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Welcome to Malifaux! I'd offer cookies, but Necromorph ate them all. :P

Sonnia and Perdita are the Guild's more versatile masters (even with Hoffman being able to take Arcanist constructs). Sonnia has more magic, while Perdita is shooty. As far as crews go, Sonnia's box isn't optimal, and she's better (IMO) after adding an Executioner and an Austringer (or two).

Perdita's box in nice, but lacking in melee power. (I'm not saying they suck at melee, I'm just saying that they could be better.) Try adding Abuela and an Executioner and use Shotgun Wedding on the Executioner. (If you decide to go that route.)

Lady J is the quintessential melee master. Her Death Marshals can shoot, but she supports melee better than ranged. She needs something to better support range. I usually add Sam to the mix.

And you'll almost never go wrong by adding their totems and/or a Watcher.

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First off, welcome!

Sonnia gets really fun when you start casting violation of magic on anything that's down to one wound (and remember that you can cast it on your own models to "recycle" your witchling stalkers).

Perdita and Lady J are both pretty good choices for a new player. Death Marshalls (in the Lady J box) are excellent minions for their 4ss price, and Nino (from Perdita's) makes it into a lot of Guild lists.

The only thing I'd caution is that Perdita can seem overpowered if you are not playing with the right amount of terrain (which is loads). Open table = dead opponent.

Oh, and Austringers make everything better! :)

Have fun.

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Thanks much for the replies. I really like the Ortegas Sergio Leoni feel and may just start with that box but by the end of my game using Sonnia I could see how dangerous she can be....

Eric J

Well, as others said before, the best thing about Guild is that three from their four masters (Hoffman is the notable exception) works well with almost any Minion from the Faction, so in fact you can't go wrong with buying both box sets.

Also, going pure Ortega is usually not a good idea, because you will usually be outnumbered, and most of the Ortegas are not much tougher than the cheaper Guild Minions. That's quite problematic against faster crews, or ones which are able to mitgate your shooting, because your expensive Family members will die quickly in melee.

On the other hand, Guild has some great Minions in the 4-points range (both Witchlings and Marshals are awesome for their price), which will help you to fill up your ranks, and spare more SS with Perdita, which never hurts :)

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Hey Eric,

I assume that's you from the forum name.. It's Rob Kopp from the warmongers..

Good to see you have gotten bitten by the malifaux bug. It is an awesome game that has many levels.

I agree with everything that has been said before. The 4 pt guild models are all effective in their own way. I usually take at least 1 marshall and 1 stalker in every game I play.

The Austringers are good for hitting things behind cover but I'm not sure that taking 2 is effective.

The only piece of advice I can give on crew selection is to build your crew for the mission as some of them require alot of movement which the guild does lack.

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So Krimson, what did you like most about your demo? did you get a good explanation, was it formal, or really informal? How did your friend try to sell you into playing the game? What was the turning point that you really started enjoying the game? (i know you said when you realized the complexity, but how did it dawn on you?) What drew you in? The models, the gameplay, or the fluff? (for me it was the fluff...)

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So Krimson, what did you like most about your demo? did you get a good explanation, was it formal, or really informal? How did your friend try to sell you into playing the game? What was the turning point that you really started enjoying the game? (i know you said when you realized the complexity, but how did it dawn on you?) What drew you in? The models, the gameplay, or the fluff? (for me it was the fluff...)

Before I get into any game I look at models and fluff. The models have a quirkiness to them that drew me into a closer look. The background/fluff cemented the feeling that I would enjoy the narrative driven gameplay.

That all made me want to give it a shot. I'd heard about the game and run into a few WM players who recc'd it highly. So when my buddy Jeff posted on our forums that he picked up a bunch of crews and would run some demos I jumped right in.

Some of the mechanics hearken back to Confrontation, a game that I absolutely loved. AND , while the game is absolutely competitive (as competitive as you want to make it) it takes itself less seriously than WM. I felt really relaxed and laid back.

The clincher for me was about halfway through the game after I'd taken some lumps and started getting frustrated by a couple things that my resistance to anything NOT dice based loosened and I really began to understand all the control you have in Malifaux between the cheat, the stones etc...

As soon as that seeped into my Games Workshop addled brain it was all over. I was through the breach and over the rainbow and all that.

Plus, I grew up on Zombies and spaghetti westerns... What's not to like??

Eric J

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