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Recently got into the game, but starting out with Kirai. Question I have, is about stat cards for Gaki and Shikome models; is this available anywhere?

Seems daft to me to have a spell on Kirai, that you only have a third of what you need in the box. Half her spell list is useless without those Gaki, so you are also limiting her right from the get go.

This might explain, why I have heard she is hard to learn/pick up. The movement shinanigans and synergy are fairly quick to pick up, but it just seems to be lacking that spark that other Masters have.

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Kirai is one of the top tier masters in the game, and perhaps you have picked up her movement shenanigans fully, but it takes most players, including me, several several games to fully understand all the ways her movement interactions can serve you. The basics are very easy to master, the true power can take some time.

Her basic boxed set is pretty bad however, not because you NEED gaki, or Shikome, but because you DO NEED Seishin, and her box only comes with one. You should definitely buy a shikome or two, and some blister of Gaki when you can, but you need those seishin first thing before anything else.

Gaki wise, you can take or leave them. Some people, like me, like to swarm them in numbers, and some only add them to their mix because they will most likely pop up almost incidentally during play.

You will want to add a Shikome when you can because it is really the only truly heavy hitter Kirai has access to. The Ikiryo is at best a midrange melee model, but that is compensated for by the fact that she has the potential to pop up just about anywhere, and you can't hide from her.

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The only option is to buy the second book or pack of Gaki for the rules. Personally i rarely use Gaki at all with her even with her summoning. She can be used with out the model at all to great effect

(not to say they are bad). Her box does leave a lot to be desired. Stick with it tho. She is a great master and once you get her a couple blisters of models and a few games under your belt she rocks.

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Kirai is my most played master so far. I rarely field Gaki unless I am low on wounds and cannot spare 2 to summon on Onryo (read - I need a meat shield FAST) or I need a cheap significant models to mob an objective late in the game. I can also see using a lot if my opponent had a lot of Ht1 models.

Overall a big part of (my) Kirai strategy is obfuscating my true goal. My standard list is 5 seishin, a desperate merc, datsuba and lost love. From there I can customize what I need on the fly.

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Jack Daw is a must buy as well for the competitive Gamer.

As regarding Gaki, I like using Gaki Swarms because they give Kirai even more Jump points and are additional models to sac for Shikome, and as significant models are great for grabbing objectives while Kirai and the other sacrificial spirits are used to neutralize any threats coming from the other side. Additionally, more significant spirits means more renewal of Seishin when the Gaki Die close to Kirai. Overall I find Swarms very useful.

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I disagree, as the only way you get speed from them is if you clump them together, which destroys the ability to appear just about anywhere you want. Plus if there is a living model in the opposing crew, Gaki have the potential to go 15" on your turn.

If I were to drop Gaki, I'd replace them first with an Insidious Madness or Two first.

Gaki also have the potential to be minimum 3 dmg if Kirai is nearby.

I'm not saying Night Terrors aren't useful, but I feel they are less useful to spam than Gaki for what I want them for.

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