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Took the plunge...


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and started malifaux! After having seen the models, and (perhaps rather creepily) watched a few games, I decided it would be worth the investment.

Noticed this forum and thought it would be the ideal place to learn everything I need and get advice from more experienced gamers and painters.

A friend of mine also recently started playing and we decided to try our hand at a 'Tale of two armies' style thing, since both of are notoriously lazy when it comes to painting. As a first question, would people be interested in seeing something like that, and if so, where should I make the thread?

Thanks in advance, definitely looking forward to this project!

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Welcome Jason. One of the things I like most about this forum is that it as just as hobby focused as it is game focused. And everyone (that I've encountered anyway) has been both friendly and helpful. And unlike some other forums where the top tier painters get pages of praise and everyone else may get a reply or two, here painters and modelers of all skill ranges give honest and helpful feedback. I've only returned recently, but I can honestly say this is now my forum of choice.

Having said that, sure, there are a lot of WIP threads here, true hobbyists are always interested in the different stages and techniques used by others, always a good opportunity to learn something new. And there is a dedicated modeling and miniatures forum. (In fact two, one for models and one more directly related to the hobby as a whole.)

And I must agree, the miniatures Wyrd releases are very original, characterful, and well sculpted the vast majority of the time. I imagine the miniatures themselves brought many people over to the game. And as to the game, although I have yet to play (working on my first two crews right now) I'm on my second go through of the rules manual and the mechanics seem quite innovative and look pretty solid, I'm looking forward to testing them out.

Looking forward to seeing your stuff when you get started.

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Welcome to jasonfly and Woodstock, I hope you enjoy your time on the forums :)

I think you should go for that Tale of Two Armies project and keep us appraised of how you are both doing, such projects usually go in Miniature Showcase (so you know the appropriate place to post it) so get started and have a blast. What crews have you both decided to go for?

Also, watch out for those Teddies, if you have cookies on you they will mug you for them :D

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