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My first acceptably painted Malifaux model


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Update! Finished Lilith and will be posting the others as they finish. Here is an album for the whole brood.

Just finished up painting my first* Malifaux model.

Here's my Terror Tot straight outta Lilith's Brood:

It's 4000x3000 when I post it directly on the forums and I'm sure no one wants to count the germs on my fingers...

*There was a showgirl... She turned out alright... but she also started to chip and wasn't painted THAT great anyway since I used the wrong spray to prime my showgirls... (They are all going to be getting a pinesol bath.)

Edited by Mirarii
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Looks good. Keep up the good work and don't be so hard on yourself. Painting just takes confidence.

My gf had never painted a mini, was worried about it, finally started painting the canine remains for her McMourning crew, and did an amazing job. She moved from the dogs up to the nurses, flesh construct, McMourning himself, and Sebastian.

That's usually all it takes to get good with painting. Start small, with the easier models, then move up to the masters and other stars of the show.

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Looks good. Keep up the good work and don't be so hard on yourself. Painting just takes confidence.

Thanks, and I understand what you mean about not being so hard on myself, but that showgirl was more experimental anyway, and she is an atrocity. Flesh tones are hard to water down and retain control.

Looks great! I haven't had the funds to pick up Lil's box, yet. I have to concentrate on the Masters I actually want to play first, then the ones I just want to paint.

At first I didn't really want Lilith but after I saw the models in person and really gave the cards a good look I am happy I bought her.

ah, see that's your problem... the 40K is getting in your way...:ballchain

After playing a practice game of Malifaux and several games of Warmahordes I'm starting to regret ever getting into 40k, way too many dice rolls to keep track of and all the units feel the same.

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After playing a practice game of Malifaux and several games of Warmahordes I'm starting to regret ever getting into 40k, way too many dice rolls to keep track of and all the units feel the same.
Funny, after starting WarmaHordes (4 armies) and Malifaux (currently 10 Masters/Henchmen) I sold all my 40k garbage (mostly to fund my Malifaux and WarmaHordes addiction).
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