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VS Kirai


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Hi Folks,

Wondering if anyone had any good tips for taking on Kirai? I played one game and seriously underestimated her speed, so I was probably too spread out.

I'm thinking it might be best to stay as close together as the strategy allows, and if it comes down to a fight take on the seishin and lost love first?

Seriously need some stalkers I think :)

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Whatmaster are you using? Ive had mixed results against Kirai. Everything you kill can come back again the next turn if your opponent wants them to. I tend to run Sonnia a lot with witchlings and yes, spreading out is bad. I try to keep my models close enough that they can support each other with the rune blades but spread enough that they wont hurt each other when they blow up. i'm probably going to proxy an exorcist and run death marshals next time and see how that works. Witchlings are too fragile and their death only does 1 dmg to spirits so its not a deterrant.

My biggest problem is shikome. The guy i play will summon her several turns in a row if need be so if she starts a turn alive and activates before i kill her i can expect her to show up and attack me again that turn. its really frustrating to have a guy getsix boosted attacks with boosted damage on my master in one turn. and with nimble kirai can do this within somehing like 16" of my master (or whoever else he wants to die).

Even with the guardian protecting her Sonnia didnt last long on that last game.

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I am a Kirai player and unfortunately never played against another Kirai player before, but my suggestion for you is go after the seishin and any other cheap spirits. This will seriously hinder Kirai's ability to bring more spirits into play. Blasts on Seishin are Kirai's demise.

If you have a chance of killing Lost Love, go for it, but a smart Kirai player will keep him well hidden as his sacrifice has no range (he can be anywhere on the board).

Regarding Shikomes, there is not much you can do other than accept you will lose a model on the turn she comes into play (assuming you are playing a strong Kirai player). You have to be ready for the counter attack though, and if there are no cheap spirits left (because you've been killing them, specially seishin), then it is unlikely the Shikome will come back after you deal with her the first time.

Finally, the major and best advice that is valid for every single master in Malifaux: ****focus on your strategy and schemes*****. The other day I saw the Dreamer/LCB destroy Perdita's crew in the first turn, but because the Guild player focused on his schemes and strategies, he would have won the game had he not flipped the black joker defending from an attack on the last turn of the game.

Good luck!

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As a Kirai player, I've found Lady Justice to be a bigger threat than Sonia. (However, Sonia's minions are better.)

I've killed Sonia, but against Lady J and her ability to bounce my attacks back at me, I've never managed to kill her. Once, my Shikome attacked her and she killed me. If played properly she can tear through a lot of Kirai's stuff pretty easily.

One of my biggest problems is going up against melee masters (Lady Justice and Lilith).

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Kirai is the anti j for ressers but I have still beaten kirai every time with the marshals. Sonia is great for magic but is vunerable to attack. Lady j can survive with high masks. I have never bothered with kirai in any game even contain power. She is too hard to kill with guild. So it OS important to tackle the right schemes, eye for an eye is my go to since it pushes her to watch her model count and mine.

Killing seishen is great. I am big on bunch for counter attacks.

Marshals do insane amounts of English so even half hurts, and they are far more durable than stalkers. Also I can rely more on getting a ranged attack off than a 1" melee so go marshal.

Exorsits are going to Rock.

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Im told that against spirits the damage is halved BEFORE you add in critical strike so death marshalls are effective alternatives to stalkers.

That is really interesting to know. I guess that is to do with the order of things. Too lazy to go look in my book right now though, being before 7am!

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Vs Kirai I like a mix of stalkers and Marshalls both especially when boosted with Inspiring Swordplay can dish out the damage, usually is take 2 a piece and lucius if needbe to slingshot them into the position I want them to be in, depending on strategy and schemes that is. The exorcist will help the long range aspect come December, as will the witchling handler upon their release for the combat side.

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My apologies. I was apparently misinformed. Crit strik vs. spirit has been ruled by ratty and keltheos to halve the total damage (including critical strike). So 2dmg + 2 critical strike = 2 damage.



The misinformation came from my opponent who fields Kirai most of the time he plays so I figured I could trust him. He also said super 8 was a great movie. You'd have figured I would have learned by now.

Edited by Therapist
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Vs Kirai I like a mix of stalkers and Marshalls both especially when boosted with Inspiring Swordplay can dish out the damage, usually is take 2 a piece and lucius if needbe to slingshot them into the position I want them to be in, depending on strategy and schemes that is. The exorcist will help the long range aspect come December, as will the witchling handler upon their release for the combat side.

Lucius also has hidden sniper, which as a spell does full damage to spirits and can be an effective way to kill seishin.

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